Lorelei set for Feb. 29th; Leigh's Orchestra to play 70 students on coveted B-list; 58 ineligible Soph class to aid former member Art instructions now offered by teacher Curtain Club groups to stage two shows Second...
Largest senior class awarded degrees at 78th commencement Rev. D. Ehlman emphasizes importance of religious faith at '48 baccalaureate Education and democratic leadership subject of Dr. Stevenson's address Awards presented to...
Commencement address 1955 The college honors Dr. I. S. Leinbach Ground broken for the new women's dormitories News from the registrar's office Armstrong preaches baccalaureate sermon Summer program offered again at Ursinus ...
Are you a 75-percenter? President's page Dinner dance highlights Alumni Day activities Harry Frosberg appointed general alumni secretary Ursinus Women's Club gives $1,000 to college Sellers, Rieser to head Berks County...
Ursinus Woman's Club holds first fall reunion Dr. White entertains with a "neighborhood tea" Ursinus holds strong Delaware eleven to 0-0 tie in third game H. E. Paisley to head state religious body Successful frosh banquet...
Current comment President's page Campus life Jan. 27 date set for Philadelphia stag Law graduates band to serve Ursinus Standpipe goes, store grows in plant improvement program 554 students enrolled Carter receives PH.D....
President's page Dr. Paisley completes fifty years as President of the Board of Directors Dr. McClure salutes Dr. Paisley Senator Hugh Scott speaks at commencement Horton preaches Baccalaureate sermon Mrs. Omwake honored ...
The President writes Thirty years of champions and their coach Were we wrong about the Victorians? A view of Vietnam A philosopher looks at Barry Goldwater The alumni seminar Dr. Paisley dies William D. Reimert elected...
Alumni notes Week of Prayer World peace Secretary of Student Volunteer movement talks Mr. Houston, noted evangelistic leader, gives stirring address A case of diphtheria in college Darwinism discussed at...
Largest freshman class enrolls as college begins winter schedule L. J. Starer presents picture of Navy unit at farewell dinner Hospitalized vets start new courses of study Council sponsors new dorm elections War fund drive...
Girls' basketball team wins two more contests Tryouts held tonight for Curtain Club play Ursinus wrestlers defeat Gettysburg Mr. Paisley to address Alumni Association Grizzly passers bow to Temple courtmen, 53-24 Allentown...
198 diplomas sum up 4 Ursinus years: Prizes bestowed on outstanding Ursinus students Sandberg '61 valedictorian; Graduates summa cum laude Four honorary degrees awarded this morning: Robert N. Hilkert delivers address to...
President's page Dr. Paisley honored as layman-of-the-year Dr. Creese to deliver commencement address New students enroll for second semester Dr. Lachman presents bust of Washington Anne Hughes speaks at Ursinus Color Day ...
Curtain Club production to provide audience with thrills and suspense Well attended Lorelei features canteen theme and original corsages Ada Chang describes Pearl Harbor bombing Andy Kerner and band to play for Navy ball...
Dr. Paisley completes 50 years as Board President Alumni Day to be held June 4 Library has "comedy of errors" display Sigma Rho Lambda sponsors annual dinner dance on May 20 Brownback-Anders pre-medical society elects new...
Record class receives diplomas today Helfferich speaks on "Brother Aaron" at seventy-ninth baccalaureate service Governor Driscoll addresses graduates at annual commencement day service Forty-one students win honors, prizes...
In memoriam President's page Our war correspondents Directors meet Library notes Faculty and staff changes Summer term ends Third highest enrollment recorded Sports revue News about ourselves Necrology Men and women...