
Results: 237
Perceptual integration for qualitatively different 3-D cues in the human brain.
The visual system's flexibility in estimating depth is remarkable: We readily perceive 3-D structure under diverse conditions from the seemingly random dots of a "magic eye" stereogram to the aesthetically beautiful, but...
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A shared representation of order between encoding and recognition in visual short-term memory.
Many complex tasks require people to bind individual events into a sequence that can be held in short term memory (STM). For this purpose information about the order of the individual events in the sequence needs to be...
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Changes in resting neural connectivity during propofol sedation.
BACKGROUND: The default mode network consists of a set of functionally connected brain regions (posterior cingulate, medial prefrontal cortex and bilateral parietal cortex) maximally active in functional imaging studies under...
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Huntington's disease mouse models online
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proved to be an ideal modality for non-destructive and highly detailed assessment of structural morphology in biological tissues. Here we used MRI to make a dataset of ex vivo brains from two...
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The neural basis of precise visual short-term memory for complex recognisable objects.
Recent evidence suggests that visual short-term memory (VSTM) capacity estimated using simple objects, such as colours and oriented bars, may not generalise well to more naturalistic stimuli. More visual detail can be stored in...
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Robust Object Detection in Colour Images Using a Multivariate Percentage Occupancy Hit-or-Miss Transform
The extension of Mathematical Morphology to colour and multivariate images is challenging due to the need to define a total ordering in the colour space. No one general way of ordering multivariate data exists and, therefore...
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The list-composition effect in memory for emotional and neutral pictures
The Emotional enhancement of memory (EEM) is observed in immediate free-recall memory tests when emotional and neutral stimuli are encoded and tested together ("mixed lists"), but surprisingly, not when they are encoded and...
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