
Results: 66
The impact of climate and antigenic evolution on seasonal influenza virus epidemics in Australia.
Although seasonal influenza viruses circulate globally, prevention and treatment occur at the level of regions, cities, and communities. At these scales, the timing, duration and magnitude of epidemics vary substantially, but...
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Characterizing Emerging Canine H3 Influenza Viruses.
The continual emergence of novel influenza A strains from non-human hosts requires constant vigilance and the need for ongoing research to identify strains that may pose a human public health risk. Since 1999, canine H3...
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Construction of the influenza A virus transmission tree in a college-based population
BACKGROUND: Co-infection of different influenza A viruses is known to occur but how viruses interact within co-infection remains unknown. An outbreak in a college campus during the 2009 pandemic involved two subtypes of...
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