This research undertakes an exploration of the role of transnational corporations (TNCs), specifically extractive industries, with regard to their involvement in corporate social responsibility (CSR), as defined by various...
The study " Empowering women in informal Cross-border trade: challenges and opportunities in developing countries" examined the challenges and opportunities faced by women engaged in Informal Cross-Border Trade (ICBT) in...
Frugal innovation is the practice whereby the rich learns from innovations developed in poor countries, and there is purportedly a current rivalry between India and China in the frugal innovation arena. This research advocates...
Public companies in the United States face a new challenge. As set forth in its roadmap for implementation, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") is considering the potential use of financial statements prepared in...
This paper analyzes econometrically the effects of direct and cross exchange rates as well as US income and Korean supply developments on the volume of Korean exports to the US. The results suggest that US demand has been the...