
Results: 10
Genome-Scale Metabolic Model Driven Design of a Defined Medium for Campylobacter jejuni M1cam.
Campylobacter jejuni, the most frequent cause of food-borne bacterial gastroenteritis, is a fastidious organism when grown in the laboratory. Oxygen is required for growth, despite the presence of the metabolic mechanism for...
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Limit laws for empirical optimal solutions in random linear programs
M Klatt, A Munk, Y Zemel
Jul 28, 2022
AbstractWe consider a general linear program in standard form whose right-hand side constraint vector is subject to random perturbations. For the corresponding random linear program, we...
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Deeply Supervised Discriminative Learning for Adversarial Defense.
Deep neural networks can easily be fooled by an adversary with minuscule perturbations added to an input image. The existing defense techniques suffer greatly under white-box attack settings, where an adversary has full...
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