
Results: 5
The Ursinus Weekly, October 9, 1903
John E. Hoyt
Jan 01, 0001
Farce at Annville Audubon Science Club New professor in Chemistry Rules governing candidates for department honors Literary Society notes Personals Philadelphia letter
Published by: Ursinus College
The Ursinus Weekly, May 14, 1934
May Day pageant given by coeds Curtain Club scores hit with presentation of "Death takes a holiday" to full house College officials head conference Mother's Day banquet climaxes fete day State YMCA secretary to meet with...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Ursinus Weekly, February 12, 1940
College will observe Founders' Day Thursday Dr. Beardwood dies of heart ailment in sixty-ninth year Color presentation tonight at 6:30 Party to complete Lorelei festivities Dr. McClure to be honored by Temple Debaters...
Published by: Ursinus College