
Results: 102
EEG evidence that morally relevant autobiographical memories can be suppressed.
Remembering unpleasant events can trigger negative feelings. Fortunately, research indicates that unwanted retrieval can be suppressed to prevent memories from intruding into awareness, improving our mental state. The current...
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Behavioral reconsolidation interference with episodic memory within-subjects is elusive.
In studies of behavioral reconsolidation interference, reactivation of a consolidated memory using some form of reminder is followed by the presentation of new information that can cause interference with that memory. Under...
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Recalling visual serial order for verbal sequences.
We report three experiments in which participants performed written serial recall of visually presented verbal sequences with items varying in visual similarity. In Experiments 1 and 2 native speakers of Japanese recalled...
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The list-composition effect in memory for emotional and neutral pictures
The Emotional enhancement of memory (EEM) is observed in immediate free-recall memory tests when emotional and neutral stimuli are encoded and tested together ("mixed lists"), but surprisingly, not when they are encoded and...
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The repetition of errors in recall
Donald Laming
Aug 10, 2022
This review reanalyses the data from four experiments originally designed to test the fragmentation hypothesis. Participants were asked to recall triple or quadruple associates, cued by each of their components in turn, and to...
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Theory of neural coding predicts an upper bound on estimates of memory variability.
Robert Taylor, Paul M Bays
Jan 09, 2020
Observers reproducing elementary visual features from memory after a short delay produce errors consistent with the encoding-decoding properties of neural populations. While inspired by electrophysiological observations of...
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Recall is not necessary for verbal sequence learning.
The question of whether overt recall of to-be-remembered material accelerates learning is important in a wide range of real-world learning settings. In the case of verbal sequence learning, previous research has proposed that...
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Modulating dream experience
Recently, cortical correlates of specific dream contents have been reported, such as the activation of the sensorimotor cortex during dreamed hand clenching. Yet, despite a close resemblance of such activation patterns to those...
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