Y speaker on Vietnam assails US policy PSEA hears advice from student teachers Alumni invite U.C. seniors to gala at Bala Ursinus Plan, part 2: Detailed explanation of new curricular program U.C. receives $2,500 grant ...
Curtis gives $200,000 to start science building Booster committee holds successful dance Friday Split teams feature debate with Dickinson Sophs down yearlings in annual grid feature Bears bow to Tigers in opening contest...
Campus improvement continues with delay Alumni meet with students; Discuss career possibilities Sororities give bids to desirable women Alumni group tours Europe Auction raises 150 dollars Religious factions interact Frosh...
MSGA accepts modifications to Soph rules Curtain Club to present one-act play, Feb. 27 Dr. Krishnayya gives Indian position, clarifies Nehru's policies on Red China Complications feature plot of "Speak easy" Ursinus graduate...
Trouble at Cutillo's: Frats Earn Reputation as Animals Drinking Concerns Richter Economics Council Sponsors Entrepreneur-Related Forum President's Corner Wismer Tries Again Pfacelift at Pfahler Bear Blades Burnished Beat...
UC Students Opposed to Drunk Driving Post-election Blues Give Rise to New Interest Group on Campus Behind Closed Doors: Secret Places on Campus Wheelchair Basketball Rolls in the Money Upcoming Choir Concert Interview with...
Dick Winchester elected Weekly editor Deltas' cake sales yield $130 for Campus Chest Student Union furnished May Day tryouts begin tomorrow Pre-medical society hears alumni Play plans announced; Group productions progress ...
Where's Your Money Going? Kenneth Starr's "XXX-Files" Pfahler Hall Renovations: The Sound of Progress Opinion: Has America Sunk to the Level of Terrorists?; Academic Computing: Beneficial or Detrimental?; How Efficient Will...
Students Fight Prisons St. Paddy's Day Cleanup Trouble Science Plans Change Town, Gown Growth 9th Annual Edible Books Festival April 2 "Ricochet," New CIE Event WeCAN Raises Awareness UC Tech Support Opinion: Campus...
Lawhead and Stevenson pick staff members for 1957 Ruby MS-WSGA propose set of regulations for class meetings "Apollo of Bellac" appears Tuesday S.R.C. begins China drive March 19 issue to reveal identity of new editor ...
Current comment: Loyalty fund President's letter College is recipient of new hymnals for chapel Opening of 73rd academic year: Student enrollment above last year's figures; Pfahler Hall dedicated at annual Founders Day ...
This booklet prints the Founders' Day address delivered by Dr. William D. Coolidge at Ursinus College on October 13, 1942, as well as a speech by Dr. George E. Pfahler and others.
On-Campus Sexual Assault Investigated Lights Installed on Roof of Pfahler Main Street Freshmen to Move to Main Campus Students Debut Independent Theater Production Preparing for Final Exams in Myrin Wallace Receives Award ...
Ursinus suffers blackout; Transformer explodes Dr. Helen T. Garrett dies UC students experience teaching Dr. Robert M. Veatch to speak at Ursinus College forum Dr. Allan Lake Rice speaks at conference Students inducted into...
The Lorelei of yesteryear: A look backwards in time USGA reports some progress Female enrollment down in U.C. Evening School Editorial: The unexamined statement is not worth making Focus: Michael Nikolic Renovations: A new...
First SFARC meeting yields suggestions for parking, Wismer Banana split rated big success as news spreads across the country Philadelphia soloists will play at forum Career day planned for English majors New Sturgis portrait...
Academic exercises of Founders' Day mark sixtieth anniversary Frosh prove ability as good entertainers Rev. Asher R. Kepler '98 gives monthly lecture Glee Club on extended trip in coal regions Entertainment concludes...
Greatest track team in UC history posts laudable 7-3 season record Kummler and UC share Ford grant Records, demonstrations highlight jazz seminar Election results Pre-medicals hear Bucher at banquet Evans & Dillin cop "Y"...
Reimert Arrest USGA Leadership Retreat Construction in Thomas and Pfahler Ursinus Site Undergoes Update 14th Annual Fringe Festival New Pitch Program Rewards Creativity Policy Changes a Result of Student Demand Opinion...
Travelin' 5 talent ready Campus Chest presents: You can't take it with you U.C. students offered esoteric subject matter Warren Robinson named St. Andrews scholar U.C. receives grant U.C. graduate presents piano concert ...
Post-war treaties chosen as subject for year's forums Council on student activities releases three dance dates Coolidge delivers Founders' Day address; Pfahler Hall of Science officially named Ruby editor plans consolidated...
Alumni Association of Philadelphia holds banquet at City Club Friday Bears defeated on trip by Lebanon Valley and Bucknell University Bisons Women's debating teams defeat Susquehanna Saturday Athletic Association to hold its...
Cytologists to give material on cancer from U.S. research Clothing drive opens today for overseas Steere to consider "Sense of Vocation" for emphasis week Coed societies map strategy in rushing season's candidates Committee...
The Great Pumpkin comes to U.C. Course Directory Catalogue Committee formed by U.S.G.A. "Antigone" is ProTheatre's production Union does it again Criminal law featured as Forum topic Letters to the editor: Epitaph on an...