
Results: 5
Recollecting the Religious
Abstract: Philosophers of education often view the role of religion in education with suspicion, claiming it to be impossible, indoctrinatory or controversial unless reduced to secular premises and aims. The ‘post-secular’ and...
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Examining Our Roots: How Over 100 Years of Religion Yielded a Secular Liberal Arts Program at Ursinus College
Karen Boedecker
Jan 01, 0001
Although Ursinus College is a fairly young institution, there have been many modifications that have occurred throughout its history. While we as students might be tempted to fixate on the changes that we find most relatable...
Published by: Ursinus College
Intellectual Access and Spirituality: The Twin Urgencies of Responsible American Education
Matthew Schmitz
Jan 01, 0001
America is increasingly, and perhaps overwhelmingly, becoming a society characterized by political divisiveness. At its most extreme form, Hannah Arendt argues such a division can make us vulnerable to a loneliness that destroys...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Old Boys Club: Podcast Transcripts
Codi Yhap
Jan 01, 0001
My name is Codi Yhap and I'll be your host/audio tour guide for the next few weeks as we dive into the history of the Young Men's Christian Association. Join me as we explore the organization's transformation from Bible study...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Ursinusiana Project: How the Religious History of Ursinus College Yielded Today's Liberal Arts Curriculum
Karen Boedecker
Jan 01, 0001
My project is divided into two parts. The first part is a heavily annotated timeline. I have organized all of the bits and pieces I encountered during my time in the Ursinusiana archives in a clear and concise manner that...
Published by: Ursinus College