College Discusses New Ideas New Bakery Planned for Wismer Recent College Infirmary Changes Explored Students Experience Studies Abroad Letters to the Editor Roving Reporter: Weekends Portrait of a Professor: Dr. Evan...
1962 "Messiah" recording delivered to White House by UC delegation Young Republicans hear Staudinger on reapportionment Changes sought in WSGA rules Mayer tells audience communism's faults G. Dolman to speak at Methacton...
Ursinus triumphs over Fords 7-6: First win in two years sparks Ursinus spirit McQueen, Rowe and Combe to star in "Major Barbara" Dannehower talks on Founders Day; Degrees presented Business leaders hold conference Monday...
Dr. A. A. Welsh delivers Baccalaureate sermon Campus heads of 1954-1955 Prizes awarded at alumni dinner Beardwood ushers out prosperous year Dorothy Ann Schulz named valedictorian of '54 class Ursinus to send...
The President writes A kaleidoscopic view of the student The student looks at himself The faculty comments Modern German literature Founders' Day Spangler portrait unveiled Dr. Helfferich's remarks Board elects two...
Alcohol Policy Discussed Honorability Sought at Ursinus Meet McCurdy! Urisnus' Own Oscar Winners Come One, Come All! Letters: Plagiarist Re-admitted?; Casey Causes Changes; Blast From the Past; Alcohol Education Band to...
First SFARC meeting yields suggestions for parking, Wismer Banana split rated big success as news spreads across the country Philadelphia soloists will play at forum Career day planned for English majors New Sturgis portrait...
Sandercock, Meszaros reign at Senior Ball Chem Department gets $10,000 grant Moll, Francis elected "Ruby" business heads ACES to present dinner-discussion Fall play will be given Dec. 9, 10 Pre-med society hears Dr. Robert...
Dr. Helfferich announces new deans, faculty members Freshman customs underway; Dinks, tags on campus YM-YW plans for retreat, dinner early this month Dr. Wilke to address chapel and Chi Alpha Greetings, Class of 1963 ...
Ground broken for new dining hall; Alumni award to Dr. John Clawson Class of 1963 receives diplomas here today Class challenged by Rev. Reynolds in Baccalaureate Annual awards presented today Ursinus receives Mobil Oil aid...
Sasha Siemal, big game hunter, to speak at Forum November 13 Braille award to Ursinus graduate Cannes prize film given on Nov. 14-16 Dr. Staiger presents paper to Chemical Society Girls sign bids; Sororities welcome 55 new...
Co-editors choose staffs, make plans for 1958 "Ruby" Dr. Staiger given grant to attend chemistry meeting Curtain Club to present two plays Pre-medders make visit to psychiatric hospital U.C. April Forum to hear address on...
Paxson, Koffke and Miller chosen as reps to WSGA Fund for adult ed. has $1,000 award for leader essay Women choose new dorm officers Pre-med meets Thursday; Officers to be installed Y officers, cabinet installed Sunday at...
Mrs. Pancoast to be speaker at Color Day WAA gives show tonite Curtain Club picks play; Reveals new raise system Y invites new members to dinner Feb. 11 Frosh to give dance Feb. 13 Sororities schedule dinner dance dates ...
Enrollment hits 1009 as 28 new students begin college life Richardson Dilworth to speak tonight: former mayoralty nominee to expose corruption in Philadelphia government Floy Lewis named queen Frats begin rushing week ...
Social changes open Fall term Student Deans reorganized Rebuck stresses individuality News in brief: Lindback award presented to profs; Student dies suddenly; Miller heads Advance Ursinus; Women's council meets; Fields speaks...
An auspicious beginning for a worthwhile project President's page Committees plan new position at college Status of the war memorial campaign 964 students enrolled at Ursinus Miss Moll resumes duties at Ursinus General...
Michener to address Class of 1965 UC awarded science grant That was the Inter-Frat Spring weekend that was Three Ursinus juniors to spend Summer in Europe Agency plans diverse concerts for next season Negro choir to present...
SFARC investigates campus issues Six Ursinus professors named outstanding educators of America Final exam schedule Graduate sub-committee submits investigative study Editorial: Shifting off of the back burner Focus: Sarah...
President's memo: Learning to inhabit a different world Rededication: Myrin Library to be Founders Day centerpiece "Ursinus prepared them well," surveyed alumni say Ursinus hears from a warrior Construction makes great...
Evaluations Show Drop in Pledge Grades SAC Changes to AFAC Voters Choose Wofford Tri-Lamba Meets Salk to Speak on Founders' Day Haley Visits Nearby High School "Crucible" Captivates WVOU at Music Marathon Environmental...
Greek Week Comes to a Close Economics Council Hosts Speakers Class Attendance Airbands Raise Money for Hungry Letters: Teachers Needed Outstanding Educators Seniors Honored as Chapter Scholars Shorts: Giunta Named Truman...
President's page The liberal arts curriculum Commencement 1964 Dining hall construction Capital funds campaign contributions total $356,225 American Alumni Council award Campus round-up Sturgis retires Staiger heads...