We demonstrate that some of the suggested five supergravity points for study
at the LHC could be approximately derived from perturbative string theories or
M-theory, but that charge and colour breaking minima would result. As a...
In the event of an observation of neutrinoless double beta decay, a relevant
question would be: what lepton number violating physics is responsible for the
decay? The exchange of Majorana neutrinos and/or supersymmetric...
The new matrix element generator AMEGIC++ is introduced, dedicated to
describe multi–particle production in high energy particle collisions. It automatically
generates helicity amplitudes for the processes under consideration...
Previous studies of the QED systematic uncertainties on the LEP measurement
of the W-boson mass have used idealized event selections and fitting
procedures. In this paper, the Monte Carlo tandem of KoralW and YFSWW is used
We describe the implementation of supersymmetric processes in the HERWIG
Monte Carlo event generator. We define relevant parameter and mixing
conventions and list the hard scattering matrix elements. Our implementation is
We study the mu<0 branch of the minimal supergravity ansatz of the minimal
supersymmetric standard model. The extent to which mu<0 is disfavoured compared
to mu>0 in global fits is calculated with Markov Chain Monte Carlo...
We calculate the likelihood map in the full 7 dimensional parameter space of
the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) assuming universal boundary
conditions on the supersymmetry breaking terms. Simultaneous variations of...
The discovery potential of the LHC is investigated for the minimal
anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (mAMSB) scenario, using the ATLAS fast
detector simulator, including track reconstruction and particle...
We have implemented the method of Yennie, Frautschi, and Suura up to first
order in α for the simulation of QED Initial State Radiation in lepton induced processes in
AMEGIC++. We consider s–channel processes via the exchange of...