
Results: 4
Setting maximum levels for lead in game meat in EC regulations
Abstract: Each year, hunters from 12 of the 27 European Union (EU) countries and the UK shoot over 6 million large game mammals, 12 million rabbits and hares and over 80 million birds. They support an international game meat...
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Managing macropods without poisoning ecosystems
Summary: A recent review of the management of hyperabundant macropods in Australia proposed that expanded professional shooting is likely to lead to better biodiversity and animal welfare outcomes. While the tenets of this...
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Setting maximum levels for lead in game meat in EC regulations
Abstract: Each year, hunters from 12 of the 27 European Union (EU) countries and the UK shoot over 6 million large game mammals, 12 million rabbits and hares and over 80 million birds. They support an international game meat...
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