
Results: 16
Education, Special Needs, and Autism in the Baltic States
The Soviet occupation of the Baltic States followed by joining the United Nations (UN) and European Union make these countries an interesting point of comparison in the development of autism and education policy. This study...
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Deaf Culture in Inclusive Schools
Carrie Woods
Jan 07, 2022
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the culture of students who are d/Deaf and hard of hearing within the broader context of inclusive schools, specifically as demonstrated though their learning experiences, socialization...
The Home and Community Connections Model
A major myth of gifted education is the idea that gifted and advanced learners should already possess the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in rigorous learning experiences. This myth reinforces the underrepresentation of...
The Forgotten Many
Limited economic resources and geographic challenges can lead rural schools in areas experiencing poverty to deprioritize gifted education. However, for the wellbeing of individual students and their communities, investing in...
Culturally Responsive Social-Emotional Learning
James Cressey
Dec 13, 2019
Culturally responsive teaching (CRT), social-emotional learning (SEL), and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) are powerful, evidence-based approaches to teaching and supporting students. Special educators and...
Interview with Joyce Lineberger
Joyce Lineberger
Jan 01, 0001
In her May 21, 2013 interview with Martha Manning, Joyce Lineberger details her life as a Winthrop undergraduate student from 1975-1977. Lineberger shares her experience with campus life: parking, dining, uniforms, and...
Published by: Winthrop University
“I just want to stay out there all day”
S Friedman, SA Morrison
Jun 04, 2021
School is often stressful for autistic students. Similarly, special educators are susceptible to burnout because of the unique demands of their jobs. There is ample evidence that spending time outside, particularly in...
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An Overview of the Issues in Evaluating Special Educators
Gavin W. Watts
Jan 01, 2016
Teachers have always been evaluated in some way; yet, current roles in the classroom have shifted to more scientific and data based approaches to teacher evaluation. These specialized approaches to teaching and evaluation have...
A Framework for Identifying and Supporting English Learners With High Abilities, Gifts, and Talents
Donna Albrecht
Mar 07, 2023
The foundational question explored in this chapter is: what are the implications of identifying, or not identifying, English learners (ELs) who have high abilities/gifts/talents, for the students, for our schools, and for...
Enabling and Empowering Inclusion Through Partnerships With Families, School, and Community
Rohan Jowallah
Jan 03, 2020
The chapter offers an innovative insight into several strategies that can be implemented to enable and empower inclusion within the context of family, school, and community. The chapter also highlights various theories and...
Not White Saviors, but Critical Scholars
Angela Novak
Nov 12, 2021
Gifted Black and Brown students are not voiceless; their voices are suffocated under the knee of systemic racism and white supremacy. This chapter proposes that the field of gifted education advocates for needed structural and...
An Overview of the Issues in Evaluating Special Educators
Gavin W. Watts
Jan 01, 2016
Teachers have always been evaluated in some way; yet, current roles in the classroom have shifted to more scientific and data based approaches to teacher evaluation. These specialized approaches to teaching and evaluation have...
Defying Deficit Thinking
Bolstered by the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), inclusion became part of the education vernacular. This chapter provides a review of key highlights in the history of inclusive...
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Sexual Offenders With Autism Spectrum Disorders
The vast majority of individuals with autism do not commit sexual offenses. While there has been some suggestion of a tendency towards anti-social or offending behaviors, a propensity for breaking the law by those with a...
An Overview of the Issues in Evaluating Special Educators
Gavin W. Watts
Jan 01, 2016
Teachers have always been evaluated in some way; yet, current roles in the classroom have shifted to more scientific and data based approaches to teacher evaluation. These specialized approaches to teaching and evaluation have...
Constructing Culturally-Authentic Differentiated Access Points Using the Content Imperatives
The need to create culturally authentic and specific learning experiences is a call to action that all teachers must answer. Current definitions of differentiation either avoid or exclude topics of culture and race. These...