
Results: 14
Border ownership-dependent tilt aftereffect for shape defined by binocular disparity and motion parallax.
Discerning objects from their surrounds (i.e., figure-ground segmentation) in a way that guides adaptive behaviors is a fundamental task of the brain. Neurophysiological work has revealed a class of cells in the macaque visual...
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Integration of texture and disparity cues to surface slant in dorsal visual cortex.
Reliable estimation of three-dimensional (3D) surface orientation is critical for recognizing and interacting with complex 3D objects in our environment. Human observers maximize the reliability of their estimates of surface...
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The mixed-polarity benefit of stereopsis arises in early visual cortex.
Depth perception is better when observers view stimuli containing a mixture of bright and dark visual features. It is currently unclear where in the visual system sensory processing benefits from the availability of different...
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