
Results: 12
Patient safety, self-injection, and B12 deficiency
BACKGROUND: Individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency (including pernicious anaemia) often report being 'let down' or stigmatised by general practice systems and policy, and choose instead to self-medicate via injection; the...
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Exploring the onset of B12 -based mutualisms using a recently evolved Chlamydomonas auxotroph and B12 -producing bacteria.
Cobalamin (vitamin B12 ) is a cofactor for essential metabolic reactions in multiple eukaryotic taxa, including major primary producers such as algae, and yet only prokaryotes can produce it. Many bacteria can colonize the algal...
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Combining SIMS and mechanistic modelling to reveal nutrient kinetics in an algal-bacterial mutualism.
Microbial communities are of considerable significance for biogeochemical processes, for the health of both animals and plants, and for biotechnological purposes. A key feature of microbial interactions is the exchange of...
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Homocysteine, B vitamins, and cardiovascular disease
BACKGROUND: Whether a modestly elevated homocysteine level is causally associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease remains unestablished. We conducted a Mendelian randomization study to assess the associations of...
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Homocysteine and small vessel stroke
OBJECTIVE: Trials of B vitamin therapy to lower blood total homocysteine (tHcy) levels for prevention of stroke are inconclusive. Secondary analyses of trial data and epidemiological studies suggest that tHcy levels may be...
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