
Results: 15
Tolerant pattern recognition
When the amplitude modulation of species-specific acoustic signals is distorted in the transmission channel, signals become difficult to recognize by the receiver. Tolerant auditory pattern recognition systems, which after...
Aerodynamics and motor control of ultrasonic vocalizations for social communication in mice and rats.
BACKGROUND: Rodent ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are crucial to their social communication and a widely used translational tool for linking gene mutations to behavior. To maximize the causal interpretation of experimental...
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Geographic Variation in Low Frequency Narrow-Band Sounds Produced by Amazon River Dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in Brazil and Peru
Grace Olson
Jan 01, 0001
Relatively few studies have investigated the sound production of Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis), and many questions remain regarding their social sounds. In this study, we document the presence of "low frequency...
Published by: Winthrop University
Structural Classification of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Vocalizations.
Determining whether a species' vocal communication system is graded or discrete requires definition of its vocal repertoire. In this context, research on domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) vocalizations, for example, has led...
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A small, computationally flexible network produces the phenotypic diversity of song recognition in crickets.
How neural networks evolved to generate the diversity of species-specific communication signals is unknown. For receivers of the signals, one hypothesis is that novel recognition phenotypes arise from parameter variation in...
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Modular timer networks
Chirping male crickets combine a 30 Hz pulse pattern with a 3 Hz chirp pattern to drive the rhythmic opening-closing movements of the front wings for sound production. Lesion experiments suggest two coupled modular...
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Aerodynamics and motor control of ultrasonic vocalizations for social communication in mice and rats.
BACKGROUND: Rodent ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are crucial to their social communication and a widely used translational tool for linking gene mutations to behavior. To maximize the causal interpretation of experimental...
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