Results: 1
The Landscape of Somatic Genetic Alterations in Breast Cancers From ATM Germline Mutation Carriers.
Britta Weigelt,
Rui Bi,
Rahul Kumar,
Pedro Blecua,
Diana L Mandelker,
Felipe C Geyer,
Fresia Pareja,
Paul A James,
kConFab Investigators,
Fergus J Couch,
Diana M Eccles,
Fiona Blows,
Paul Pharoah,
Anqi Li,
Pier Selenica,
Raymond S Lim,
Gowtham Jayakumaran,
Nic Waddell,
Ronglai Shen,
Larry Norton,
Hannah Y Wen,
Simon N Powell,
Nadeem Riaz,
Mark E Robson,
Jorge S Reis-Filho,
Georgia Chenevix-Trench
Jul 26, 2018