
Results: 8
Preliminary studies
Several studies have previously reported propolis, or its constituents, to inhibit tumour angiogenesis. The anti-angiogenic activity of two Indonesian stingless bee propolis extracts from Sulawesi Island on vascular cells were...
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The potential consequences for cancer care and cancer research of Brexit
Following the UK “Brexit” vote in June 2016, there are many uncertainties and risks for cancer research and cancer care in the UK. These are summarised and the importance of sustained engagement and influence from the cancer...
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Cancer Core Europe
Translational cancer research covers the whole cancer research continuum from basic to preclinical to early clinical, late clinical and outcomes research. Basic-preclinical research is the "engine" for early clinical research...
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Cancer Core Europe
Cancer Core Europe is a European legal alliance consisting of seven leading cancer centres - most of them Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) - with a single portal system to engage in various research projects with partners....
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