Results: 1
Comprehensive Rare Variant Analysis via Whole-Genome Sequencing to Determine the Molecular Pathology of Inherited Retinal Disease
KJ Carss,
G Arno,
M Erwood,
J Stephens,
A Sanchis-Juan,
S Hull,
K Megy,
D Grozeva,
E Dewhurst,
S Malka,
V Plagnol,
C Penkett,
K Stirrups,
R Rizzo,
G Wright,
D Josifova,
M Bitner-Glindzicz,
RH Scott,
E Clement,
L Allen,
R Armstrong,
AF Brady,
J Carmichael,
M Chitre,
RHH Henderson,
J Hurst,
RE MacLaren,
E Murphy,
J Paterson,
E Rosser,
DA Thompson,
E Wakeling,
WH Ouwehand,
M Michaelides,
AT Moore,
NIHR-BioResource Rare Diseases Consortium,
AR Webster,
FL Raymond
Feb 21, 2017