
Results: 25
Assault on self
The complexities of intimate partner abuse and violence have been studied from a range of theoretical, conceptual, and methodological perspectives. It is argued here that symbolic interactionist analyses offer specific and...
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Domestic Violence in Pakistan from 1990 - 2020: A Mixed Method Approach
Hamida Khatri
Jan 01, 0001
This study assessed domestic violence from the perspective of the victims who experienced trauma due to sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse in Pakistan.
Family focused interventions that address parental domestic violence and abuse, mental ill-health, and substance misuse in combination
Parental domestic violence and abuse (DVA), mental ill-health (MH), and substance misuse (SU) are three public health issues that tend to cluster within families, risking negative impacts for both parents and children. Despite...
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The Early Marriage Origin of Domestic Violence and Reproductive Health Challenges
This traditional practice affecting not only the reproductive health of young girls but it is a major cause of domestic violence as well. This issue has been calling the care of national and international organizations in modern...
Victims of Domestic Violence and Front-Line Workers
Victims of domestic violence present a challenge to law enforcement and emergency room personnel. The authors propose a helping approach to assist these professionals. This paradigm is composed of: active and empathetic...
Intimate Partner Violence Documentation and Awareness in an Urban Emergency Department.
Background Domestic violence rates in smaller cities have been reported to be some of the highest in Canada. It is highly likely that the staff at emergency departments (ED) will come in contact with victims of intimate partner...
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Domestic violence and abuse in local child safeguarding policy
Within the United Kingdom, domestic violence and abuse (DVA) is the most commonly identified factor within child in need assessments, with rates increasing in recent years in addition to 'lockdown'-related spikes. This article...
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Assault on self
The complexities of intimate partner abuse and violence have been studied from a range of theoretical, conceptual, and methodological perspectives. It is argued here that symbolic interactionist analyses offer specific and...
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Towards an ecological understanding of readiness to engage with interventions for children exposed to domestic violence and abuse
Children who grow up in homes affected by domestic violence and abuse (DVA) are at risk of poor outcomes across the lifespan, yet there is limited evidence on the acceptability and effectiveness of interventions for them. A...
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Victims of Domestic Violence and Front-Line Workers
Victims of domestic violence present a challenge to law enforcement and emergency room personnel. The authors propose a helping approach to assist these professionals. This paradigm is composed of: active and empathetic...
Victims of Domestic Violence and Front-Line Workers
Victims of domestic violence present a challenge to law enforcement and emergency room personnel. The authors propose a helping approach to assist these professionals. This paradigm is composed of: active and empathetic...
Hope, Agency, and the Lived Experience of Violence
There is a large body of research on the impact of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) on children, mostly reporting survey data and focusing largely on psychological outcomes. Qualitative research on the views of children has the...
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