
Results: 23
Global impacts of invasive species on the tipping points of shallow lakes
Abstract: There is growing acknowledgement that human‐induced change can push ecosystems beyond tipping points, resulting in the dramatic and sudden loss of vital ecosystem services. Invasive non‐native species (INNS) are...
Published by: Global Change Biology
Fighting Food Insecurity in New York City: What Role for Street Trees?
Kristen Cooney
Jan 01, 0001
There is growing recognition that urban forests have the potential to combat food insecurity via their edible parts, namely fruits, berries, and nuts. I researched New York City's street trees, by locating trees with edible...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services or the Framing of Scientific Knowledge within the Law of Sustainable Development
LU Duvic-Paoli
Feb 08, 2017
The article analyses the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) through the spectrum of international environmental law. It unpacks the epistemic logics within which IPBES...
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Incorporating ecosystem services in marine planning:
This paper scrutinises the use of ecosystem service valuation for marine planning. Lessons are drawn from the development and use of environmental valuation and cost-benefit analysis for policy-making in the US and the UK....
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Global impacts of invasive species on the tipping points of shallow lakes.
There is growing acknowledgement that human-induced change can push ecosystems beyond tipping points, resulting in the dramatic and sudden loss of vital ecosystem services. Invasive non-native species (INNS) are spreading...
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Incorporating ecosystem services in marine planning:
This paper scrutinises the use of ecosystem service valuation for marine planning. Lessons are drawn from the development and use of environmental valuation and cost-benefit analysis for policy-making in the US and the UK....
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When bats go viral
The recent upsurge in bat-borne virus research has attracted substantial news coverage worldwide. A systematic review of virological literature revealed that most studies portrayed bats as a major concern for public health (51%)...
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Heterogeneity in ecosystem service values
Y Pan, Y Che, S Marshall, L Maltby
Feb 08, 2020
One way of linking research and environmental policies is to increase public participation and identify ecosystem services valued by society, but the reasons influencing ecosystem values can vary. Our study investigates...
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