The major barriers to evidence-informed conservation policy and possible solutions.
David C Rose,
William J Sutherland,
Tatsuya Amano,
Juan P González-Varo,
Rebecca J Robertson,
Benno I Simmons,
Hannah S Wauchope,
Eszter Kovacs,
América Paz Durán,
Alice BM Vadrot,
Weiling Wu,
Maria P Dias,
Martina MI Di Fonzo,
Sarah Ivory,
Lucia Norris,
Matheus Henrique Nunes,
Tobias Ochieng Nyumba,
Noa Steiner,
Juliet Vickery,
Nibedita Mukherjee
Jul 17, 2018
Conservation policy decisions can suffer from a lack of evidence, hindering effective decision-making. In nature conservation, studies investigating why policy is often not evidence-informed have tended to focus on Western...