
Results: 10
Exotic massive 3D gravity
M Ozkan, Y Pang, PK Townsend
Nov 16, 2018
The linearized equations of “New Massive Gravity” propagate a parity doublet of massive spin-2 modes in 3D Minkowski spacetime, but a different non-linear extension is made possible by “third-way” consistency. There is a...
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Boundary states for chiral symmetries in two dimensions
Abstract: We study boundary states for Dirac fermions in d = 1 + 1 dimensions that preserve Abelian chiral symmetries, meaning that the left- and right-moving fermions carry different charges. We derive simple expressions, in...
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Boundary states for chiral symmetries in two dimensions
Abstract: We study boundary states for Dirac fermions in d = 1 + 1 dimensions that preserve Abelian chiral symmetries, meaning that the left- and right-moving fermions carry different charges. We derive simple expressions, in...
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Boundary states for chiral symmetries in two dimensions
Abstract: We study boundary states for Dirac fermions in d = 1 + 1 dimensions that preserve Abelian chiral symmetries, meaning that the left- and right-moving fermions carry different charges. We derive simple expressions, in...
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Leading exponential finite size corrections for non-diagonal form factors
Abstract We derive the leading exponential finite volume corrections in two dimensional integrable models for non-diagonal form factors in diagonally...
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Comments on symmetric mass generation in 2d and 4d
David Tong
Jul 02, 2022
Abstract Symmetric mass generation is the name given to a mechanism for gapping fermions while preserving a chiral, but necessarily non-anomalous...
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Boundary states for chiral symmetries in two dimensions
Abstract: We study boundary states for Dirac fermions in d = 1 + 1 dimensions that preserve Abelian chiral symmetries, meaning that the left- and right-moving fermions carry different charges. We derive simple expressions, in...
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Boundary states for chiral symmetries in two dimensions
PB Smith, D Tong
Sep 02, 2021
Abstract We study boundary states for Dirac fermions in d = 1 + 1 dimensions that preserve Abelian chiral symmetries, meaning...
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