
Results: 6
Portfolio optimization in the era of digital financialization using cryptocurrencies.
The Fourth industrial revolution has seen many innovative technologies that are now challenging traditional economies. The innovative and technological financial instruments are inspiring individuals and expert investors to...
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The effects of negative reputational contagion on international airlines

The Boeing 737-MAX was created for the ultra-competitive environment of the aviation industry and advertised as capable of delivering an 8% reduction in fuel and a 14% reduction in CO2 when compared to the...

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Financial market implications of monetary policy coincidences
P Arestis, P Phelps
May 19, 2017
Relatively little is known about the financial market impact of international monetary surprises arising on the same trading day. This paper estimates a suite of multi-security factor models, which captures international...
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Investment, Financial Markets and Uncertainty
Philip Arestis
Dec 12, 2016
This contribution provides a theoretical explanation of the accumulation process, which focuses on the presence of correlations between physical and financial investment, and how the latter could affect the former. It also...
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The effects of negative reputational contagion on international airlines

The Boeing 737-MAX was created for the ultra-competitive environment of the aviation industry and advertised as capable of delivering an 8% reduction in fuel and a 14% reduction in CO2 when compared to the...

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