
Results: 12
Older and wiser? Age differences in foraging and learning by an endangered passerine.
Birds use cues when foraging to help relocate food resources, but natural environments provide many potential cues and choosing which to use may depend on previous experience. Young animals have less experience of their...
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Urban Foraging Social Meetups in Philadelphia, PA
Kristin G. McGillis
Jan 01, 0001
Urban foraging is the practice in which city residents gather plants and plant parts from green spaces--such as parks, sidewalks, or yards--to use for a variety of reasons. Research on the practice is in its early stages, with...
Published by: Ursinus College
Darwin's small and medium ground finches might have taste preferences, but not for human foods.
Urbanization is rapidly changing ecological niches. On the inhabited Galapagos Islands, Darwin's finches consume human-introduced foods preferentially; however, it remains unclear why. Here, we presented pastry with flavour...
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JW Jolles, A Manica, NJ Boogert
Dec 08, 2015
To investigate the link between personality and maximum food intake of inactive individuals, food-deprived three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus at rest in their home compartments were provided with ad libitum food...
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Tracking Changes of Hidden Food
Food availability may vary spatially and temporally within an environment. Efficiency in locating alternative food sources using spatial information (e.g., distribution patterns) may vary according to a species’ diet and...
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Faith, Farming and Food Justice
Catherine Curran
Jan 01, 0001
Through a liberationist lens, religion and social justice are more similar than different. Food illuminates opportunities for building collective agency and community resilience in which religion and social justice might serve...
Published by: Ursinus College