
Results: 9
Declines in freshwater mussel density, size and productivity in the River Thames over the past half century.
A pioneering, quantitative study published in Journal of Animal Ecology in 1966 on freshwater mussel populations in the River Thames, UK, continues to be cited extensively as evidence of the major contribution that mussels make...
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Regeneration Experiments with Planaria Maculata
Frank J. Tornetta
Jan 01, 0001
This 25 page thesis discusses experiments to determine the effect of temperature on the rate of regeneration in planaria and to find the comparative rate of growth of sagittal, transverse and oblique sections.
Published by: Ursinus College
Fine asymptotics for the consistent maximal displacement of branching brownian motion
Matthew Iain Roberts
Mar 13, 2015

Ipt is well-known that the maximal particle in a branching Brownian motion sits near (Formula-Presented)log t at time t. One may then ask about the paths of particles near the frontier: how close can they stay to this...

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Fine asymptotics for the consistent maximal displacement of branching brownian motion
Matthew Iain Roberts
Mar 13, 2015

Ipt is well-known that the maximal particle in a branching Brownian motion sits near (Formula-Presented)log t at time t. One may then ask about the paths of particles near the frontier: how close can they stay to this...

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