
Results: 5
Macronutrient intake and simulated infection threat independently affect life history traits of male decorated crickets.
Nutritional geometry has advanced our understanding of how macronutrients (e.g., proteins and carbohydrates) influence the expression of life history traits and their corresponding trade-offs. For example, recent work has...
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Low Maternal Capital Predicts Life History Trade-Offs in Daughters
Background: Some individuals appear prone to multiple adverse outcomes, including poor health, school dropout, risky behavior and early reproduction. This clustering remains poorly understood. Drawing on evolutionary life...
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Short-term resource allocation during extensive athletic competition
Abstract Objectives: Following predictions from life history theory, we sought to identify acute trade-offs between reproductive effort (as measured by psychological arousal) and somatic maintenance (via functional measures of...
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Fluctuating asymmetry, a marker of poor growth quality, is associated with adult male metabolic rate.
OBJECTIVES: Life history theory, a branch of evolutionary theory, predicts the existence of trade-offs in energetic allocation between competing physiological functions. The core metabolic cost of self-maintenance, measured by...
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