
Results: 6
Torsional Alfvén resonances as an efficient damping mechanism for non-radial oscillations in red giant stars
ST Loi, JCB Papaloizou
Apr 24, 2017
Stars are self-gravitating fluids in which pressure, buoyancy, rotation and magnetic fields provide the restoring forces for global modes of oscillation. Pressure and buoyancy energetically dominate, while rotation and magnetism...
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A simple non-parametric method for resolving merged doublet lines

Doublet line emission and absorption are common in astronomical sources (e.g. [OIII], [O II], NaD, MgII). In many cases, complex kinematics in the emitting source can cause the doublet lines to merge, making characterization...

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A simple non-parametric method for resolving merged doublet lines

Doublet line emission and absorption are common in astronomical sources (e.g. [OIII], [O II], NaD, MgII). In many cases, complex kinematics in the emitting source can cause the doublet lines to merge, making characterization...

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Cylinders out of a top hat
© 2017 The Authors. Large deviation statistics is implemented to predict the statistics of cosmic densities in cylinders applicable to photometric surveys. It yields few per cent accurate analytical predictions for the one-point...
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Potential softening and eccentricity dynamics in razor-thin, nearly-Keplerian discs.
In many astrophysical problems involving discs (gaseous or particulate) orbiting a dominant central mass, gravitational potential of the disc plays an important dynamical role. Its impact on the motion of external objects, as...
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