
Results: 1343
President Dan Mahony And Board of Trustees Say No to Football
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Winthrop President Dan Mahony emailed this statement to the Winthrop campus on June 10 after the Board of Trustees unanimously voted to support his decision not to pursue football.
Published by: Winthrop University
Exploring College Students' Deeper Learning Perceptions in the Blended Learning Environment
With the rapid development of information communication technology (ICT) in teaching, deeper learning has become an essential competency for success in the 21st-century classroom. College students' deeper learning assessments...
A Method for Improving the Pronunciation Quality of Vocal Music Students Based on Big Data Technology
Dan Shen, Wenjia Zhao
Jan 01, 2024
With the development of internet technology, big data has been used to evaluate the singing and pronunciation quality of vocal students. However, current methods have several problems such as poor information fusion efficiency...
Comparison of Halal Product Assurance System Criteria Arrangement in Indonesia and Malaysia
Mar 31, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan regulasi sistem jaminan produk halal yang berlaku di dua negara, Indonesia dan Malaysia. Pengaturan sistem jaminan produk halal di Indonesia telah diatur melalui UU No.33/2014 jo UU...
Comprehensive Analysis Using Probabilistic Linguistic Group Decision-Making and MEREC Technique With Sustainable Development Evaluation in Higher Education
Dan Peng
Jan 01, 2024
University administrators should organize and coordinate various affairs, scientifically utilize resources such as budget, teaching equipment, and faculty, continuously improve teaching quality, and ensure the sustainable...
Discounts and Promotions On Purchase Decision
Salah satu kebutuhan primer manusia adalah sandang atau pakaian. Melimpahnya produk fashion terutama pakaian di pasaran mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang, terhadap pemakaian dan pembelian produk bukan lagi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan...
Transducers as Gates to the Universe
Ciulin Dan
Jan 01, 2021
The ‘main structure and performances’ of any physical system may be (nearly) maintained for a given time interval only if this system is kept inside a kind of ‘shell’ that protects it and only, if the necessary (desired)...
A multifunctional optical-thermal logic gate sensor array based on ferroelectric BiFeO<sub>3</sub> thin films

The growing need to process a diverse range of data has ignited effort in developing new multifunctional logic gate devices. In this article, we report a new form of all-in-one logic gate system that exploits the...

Discounts and Promotions On Purchase Decision
Salah satu kebutuhan primer manusia adalah sandang atau pakaian. Melimpahnya produk fashion terutama pakaian di pasaran mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang, terhadap pemakaian dan pembelian produk bukan lagi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan...
Business Major Earned New President's Award for Academic Excellence
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
President Dan Mahony presented the award Dec. 19 at Commencement to Meghan Gabrielle Jones, who was the undergraduate with the highest cumulative GPA. She earned a degree in business administration with a concentration in...
Published by: Winthrop University
Contrastive Representation Learning With Mixture-of-Instance-and-Pixel
Dan Cheng, Jun Yin
Jan 01, 2024
Contrastive learning has remarkable transfer learning capabilities. But many current methods are pretrained based on instance-level or pixel-level pretext tasks, resulting in representations lacking local or global information....
The Application of Big Data in the Management of Ideological and Political Education in the Development of Education Network
Huichao Li, Dan Li
Jan 01, 2024
Based on a brief analysis of the current situation of university education management and research on intelligent algorithms, this article constructs a university education management system based on big data. For the clustering...
Class of 2022 Shines Bright on Campus
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Quick Facts President Dan Mahony and local and campus leaders welcomed the Class of 2022 at the Aug. 20 Convocation in Byrnes Auditorium.
Published by: Winthrop University
NIR Spectroscopy Oranges Origin Identification Framework Based on Machine Learning
Songjian Dan
Jan 01, 2022
Research on the identification model of orange origin based on machine learning in Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. According to the characteristics of NIR spectral data, a complete general framework for origin identification...
Mobile Edge Computing to Assist the Online Ideological and Political Education
Dan Wang, Jian Zhao
Apr 01, 2022
With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, mobile network data traffic presents an explosive growth trend. Especially, the proportion of mobile video business has become a large proportion in mobile Internet...
President Mahony Details Winthrop Accomplishments During Fourth State of the University Address
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
HIGHLIGHTS President Dan Mahony delivered his fourth State of the University address on Oct. 29. He highlighted the accomplishments achieved toward the Winthrop Plan.
Published by: Winthrop University
Channel Semantic Enhancement-Based Emotional Recognition Method Using SCLE-2D-CNN
The existing EEG emotion classification methods have some problems, such as insufficient emotion representation and lack of targeted channel enhancement module due to feature redundancy. To this end, a novel EEG emotion...
Ninth Annual Family Day To Be Held Oct. 3
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
More than 570 family members are expected to visit their students during this ninth annual event. A variety of fun and informative activities are planned. President Dan Mahony will welcome Family Day attendees at 10 a.m.
Published by: Winthrop University
Homecoming King and Queen Crowned Nov. 12 at Basketball Game
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Seniors TyQuan Butler of Sumter, South Carolina, and Janay Reece of Charlotte, North Carolina, were voted Homecoming King and Queen by their fellow students for Winthrop's 2016 Homecoming held Nov. 7-12. They accepted their...
Published by: Winthrop University
A multifunctional optical-thermal logic gate sensor array based on ferroelectric BiFeO<sub>3</sub> thin films

The growing need to process a diverse range of data has ignited effort in developing new multifunctional logic gate devices. In this article, we report a new form of all-in-one logic gate system that exploits the...

Winthrop Students Give University High Marks on National Survey of Student Engagement
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The National Survey of Student Engagement is the gold standard for gauging the impact of learning practices on undergraduate students, said President Dan Mahony. Winthrop's NSSE participants - 569 first-year students and seniors...
Published by: Winthrop University
Family Day Showcases Campus and Rock Hill Area Activities
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
More than 1,000 family members are expected to visit their students during this annual event. Family Day will begin with a light breakfast and welcome from President Dan Mahony.
Published by: Winthrop University
Time-Aware CF and Temporal Association Rule-Based Personalized Hybrid Recommender System
Most recommender systems usually combine several recommendation methods to enhance the recommendation accuracy. Collaborative filtering (CF) is a best-known personalized recommendation technique. While temporal association...
Students Can Still Win Scholarships As Game Changers Program Winds Down
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The promotion, which was developed this season by President Dan Mahony to increase student attendance at home basketball games, ends this weekend for the men's team and on March 1 for the women's team.
Published by: Winthrop University








