
Results: 8
Overcoming the Challenges of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
The study presents the results of a comprehensive review conducted between 2005-2020 to identify Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) challenges, discover the divisions in which these challenges can be clustered, and provide...
Published by: IGI Global
Cuttings Transport Evaluation in Deviated Wells
Cuttings transport efficiency is a measure of the extent to which cuttings are carried to the surface from a drilled hole. It quantifies the success achieved in freeing a well of drilled cuttings. It is also related to the...
Predicting Academic Performance of Immigrant Students Using XGBoost Regressor
The education sector has been effectively dealing with the prediction of academic performance of the Immigrant students since the research associated with this domain proves beneficial enough for those countries where the...
Published by: IGI Global
Social Network Analysis for Precise Friend Suggestion for Twitter by Associating Multiple Networks Using ML
The main aim in this paper is to create a friend suggestion algorithm that can be used to recommend new friends to a user on Twitter when their existing friends and other details are given. The information gathered to make these...
Published by: IGI Global
Autonomous Transaction Model for E-Commerce Management Using Blockchain Technology
A blockchain is an advanced technology that can power over a decentralized network. The authors bring it up to design the autonomous transaction system for e-commerce applications; because of the dramatic increase in IoT...
Published by: IGI Global
Social Network User Profiling With Multilayer Semantic Modeling Using Ego Network
Social and information networks undermine the real relationship between the individuals (ego) and the friends (alters) they are connected with on social media. The structure of individual network is highlighted by the ego...
Published by: IGI Global