
Results: 271
“What Can I Do?”
Ruth Koleszar-Green
Dec 14, 2019
This article is reactionary to the current discourse about the inclusion of Indigenous content in social work education. I centre this discussion on the history of social work education and the contemporary responses to the...
Synthesis of Controllable Cu Shells on Au Nanoparticles with Electrodeposition
Bimetallic Cu on Au nanoparticles with controllable morphology and optical properties were obtained via electrochemical synthesis. In particular, multilobed structures with good homogeneity were achieved through the optimization...
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Ars moriendi
Mario O. D’Souza
Mar 14, 2018
I first found out that I have cancer, and the level of its severity and advanced stage,on the 11th of July, 2017. I had some symptoms like shortness of breath andfatigue, but I attributed them to a pill that I was taking, and...
Statistical Analysis on the Influence of Stack Thickness on the Tensile Property of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Laminates
This work investigates the tensile testing of glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite material and its most influencing parameter. The GFRP constitutes bi-axial glass-fibre and epoxy-matrix. The three parameters...
Published by: IGI Global
Review of Kevin Decker and Jeffery Ewing, Alien and Philosophy: I Infest, Therefore I Am. Oxford
Jared Call
Jan 07, 2020
The movie Alien first hit the box office in the spring of 1979, and it was met with critical acclaim; in 2008, it ranked seventh best film in the science fiction genre by the American Film Institute. The chestburster scene is...
I Will Tell Myself, Be Very Proud of the Writer You are Becoming
Chinwe Ogolo
May 17, 2018
Academic writing is a challenge for most graduate students. As a doctoral student at Memorial University, I attempt to explore my academic writing journey. There have been struggles and victories along the way. As I employ...
Uvvatuq Naluallangniaqtugut (I Humbly Hope We Run Into Game)
Uvvatuq naluallangniaqtugut (I humbly hope we run into game) is a phrase an Iñupiaq person would say before going out hunting in the Selawik dialect. We believe all things have a spirit, including animals. If a hunter announces...
To Break All Finite Spheres
Kirill Chepurin
Dec 20, 2020
“The ultimate end goal of the finite I and the not-I, i.e., the end goal of the world,” writes Schelling in Of the I as Principle of Philosophy, “is its annihilation as a world, i.e., as the exemplification of finitude” (SW I...
Oriented Type I Collagen - A Review on Artificial Alignment Strategies
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and serves many functions, from mechanical stability and elasticity in tendons and bone, to optical properties, such as transparency and a fine tuned refractive index in...
Published by: IGI Global
Assessment Of The MODU Rowan Gorilla I Capsize And Sinking
Darren Hickey
Apr 09, 2013
The Rowan Gorilla I was a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) fabricated in Mississippi by the Marathon Le Tourneau Shipyard, and completed in 1983. The jack-up spent its first 5 years following completion off the east coast...
My Process of Becoming
Lauren May
Apr 15, 2022
This chapter focuses on the author's process of transitioning into a position as a doctoral candidate. This journey has assisted in the understanding of personal identities and the world. Within this chapter, personal...
Published by: IGI Global
I Think We Should…
Hengbin Yan
Jul 01, 2019
High-frequency recurrent word combinations known as lexical bundles are an essential component in the second language development. However, existing research on second language lexical bundle use has focused on writing...
Published by: IGI Global
Biosorption of Silver using Metal-Imprinted Thiourea-Modified Glutaraldehyde-Crosslinked O-Carboxymethyl Chitosan Beads
Chitosan, an abundant biopolymer obtained from deacetylation of chitin, has been proved to be a promising biosorbent for metal uptake. Grafting new functional groups on the chitosan backbone was also reported to be efficient in...
A Positioning
Frank Braio
Feb 24, 2020
Rather than getting into the spread of components in my own positioning, I want to pick up on a point made by Phil McShane in a communication sent Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 8:42 AM to: ‘lonergan_l’—re ...
Assembling the Meaning of Probability
My positioning focuses on the meaning of a single word, probability. As in the prior exercise,1 my tasks are to (i) make explicit, to talk about, that which I am capable of talking about; (ii) to identify that which I am not...
Building and Bridging Security and Privacy-Related Technical Knowledge Amongst HR Professionals
An ever-increasing range of smart, connected internet of things (IoT) devices poses entirely novel security and privacy challenges. Business models that wish to rely on smart product adoption will need to ensure the capability...
Published by: IGI Global
Trade Balance and Growth of Indian Agriculture Exports
Vishnu Priya, M. Vidya
Feb 28, 2022
Throughout its history, India has been viewed as an agricultural country. 54.6 percent of India's population (census 2011) is employed in agriculture and related sectors, which accounted for 17.4 percent of GDP in 2016-17....
Published by: Singh Publication
Child and Adolescent Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Worldwide national surveys show a rising mental health burden among children and adolescents (C&A) during COVID-19. The objective of the current study is to verify the expected rise in visits to psychiatric...
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Doing Mad Studies
Richard A. Ingram
Dec 29, 2016
I am the person who is credited with having coined the term Mad Studies; here I explore how this new concept took shape.
Do the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) subject examinations predict success on the Medical Council of Canada qualifying examination (MCCQE) Part 1?
NBME subject examinations are used by many Canadian medical schools to evaluate students during their clerkship rotations. Although studies show strong correlations between NBME scores and the American licensing examination...








