
Results: 230
Rheumatology, collaboration, and modern-day research
Benjamin Edwards
Jan 01, 2023
An interview with Dr. Proton Rahman, a rheumatologist, genetic epidemiologist, and professor at Memorial University. Dr. Rahman has been working in the province for the past 24 years and in addition to his clinical work, has...
Rheumatology, collaboration, and modern-day research
Benjamin Edwards
Jan 01, 2023
An interview with Dr. Proton Rahman, a rheumatologist, genetic epidemiologist, and professor at Memorial University. Dr. Rahman has been working in the province for the past 24 years and in addition to his clinical work, has...
Prediction and Analysis of Customer Complaints Using Machine Learning Techniques
Businesses must prioritize customer complaints because they highlight critical areas where their products or services may be improved. The goal of this study is to use machine learning approaches to anticipate and evaluate...
Let's Talk
Although one might expect parents' mind-mindedness (MM; the propensity to view children as mental agents) to relate to everyday mental-state talk (MST) and theory-of-mind capacity, evidence to support this view is lacking. In...
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Improvement of Computer Adaptive Multistage Testing Algorithm Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
Zhaoxia Zhang
Jan 01, 2024
Multistage testing (MST) is a portion of computational adaptive testing that adapts assessment structure at the sublevel rather than the component level. The goal of the MST algorithm is to identify bugs in computer programming...
Management Progression and Prospects- A Comparative Global and Historical Overview of the National and Multinational Organizations in the Context of Pakistani Business Environment
Organizations are essential entity for the survival and sustainability of an economy. In today’s dynamic world the survival of an organization itself is big challenge in the face of unpredictable threat, challenges and...
Village Financial Transparency And Accountability (Empirical Study in Disadvantaged Villages in West Halmahera Regency)
This study aims to reveal the application of the principles of Transparency and Accountability in the administration of Village Government which is categorized as Disadvantaged in West Halmahera Regency. Transparency is related...
Optimizing The Performance Of Village Owned Enterprises
This study aims to build a model for optimizing the performance of Village Owned Enterprises in the West Halmahera Regency. As a result of all that the existence of BUMDes has not been able to contribute to Village Original...
The fragility of origin essentialism
Tim Lewens
May 31, 2021
Few discussions of the ethics of mitochondrial 'replacement' techniques have drawn significant ethical distinctions between the two approaches now legal in the U.K. However, Anthony Wrigley, Stephen Wilkinson and John Appleby...
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A possible role of coarse fractionated radiotherapy in the management of gingival squamous cell carcinoma in dogs
Surgery with or without the addition of radiotherapy is the treatment of choice for canine oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Fractionated radiotherapy alone is also effective in the long-term control of the disease, however...
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Capital Account Liberalization and Capital Movement in China
Capital account liberalization has always been at the core of economic policymaking. China is a country which has chosen to go gradual in opening up the capital account. The present research seeks to manoeuvre aspects of capital...
The fragility of origin essentialism
Tim Lewens
Jun 29, 2021
Abstract: Few discussions of the ethics of mitochondrial ‘replacement’ techniques have drawn significant ethical distinctions between the two approaches now legal in the U.K. However, Anthony Wrigley, Stephen Wilkinson and John...
Published by: Bioethics
Establishing an Analogue Based In Silico Pipeline in the Pursuit of Novel Inhibitory Scaffolds against the SARS Coronavirus 2 Papain-Like Protease
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has been a burden on the worldwide population, with mass fatalities and devastating socioeconomic consequences. It has particularly drawn attention to the lack of approved small-molecule drugs to...
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Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Models to Identify Pathways that Mediate Influences of Welding Fumes on Cancer Progression
Abstract: Welding generates and releases fumes that are hazardous to human health. Welding fumes (WFs) are a complex mix of metallic oxides, fluorides and silicates that can cause or exacerbate health problems in exposed...
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Erratum:Compounds Related to Saudin and Three New Series of Diterpenoids from Clutia lanceolata (Journal of Natural Products (2023) 86: 5 (1129−1149) DOI

Re-examination and reinterpretation of the NOESY NMR data for 11 and 12 has led to reassignment of the relative stereochemical configurations at C-5 and C-10 for both compounds. The text discussing the relative configurations...

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Environmental Uncertainty
Uncertain environmental conditions and typology of corporate strategy are the determining factors in improving company performance. This study aims to prove the analysis results of the typology of strategic management accounting...
Clinical response and survival time of cats with carcinoma of the nasal cavity treated with palliative coarse fractionated radiotherapy.
OBJECTIVES: Carcinoma is the second most common tumour of the nasal cavity in cats. Few studies assessing the response and survival of cats with carcinoma of the nasal cavity treated with palliative coarse fractionated...
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Optimizing Water Quality Sampling Through Application Of Real Time Ionic Concentration Regression Models
The Water Resources Management Division of the Department of Environment and Conservation performs routine water sampling to measure the physical and chemical parameters of select water bodies in Newfoundland and Labrador. Ionic...








