
Results: 411
Search for the doubly heavy Xi bc0 baryon via decays to D(0)pK(-)
R Aaij, C Abellan Beteta, T Ackernley, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, H Afsharnia, CA Aidala, S Aiola, Z Ajaltouni, S Akar, J Albrecht, F Alessio, M Alexander, A Alfonso Albero, Z Aliouche, G Alkhazov, P Alvarez Cartelle, AA Jr Alves, S Amato, Y Amhis, L An, L Anderlini, G Andreassi, A Andreianov, M Andreotti, F Archilli, A Artamonov, M Artuso, K Arzymatov, E Aslanides, M Atzeni, B Audurier, S Bachmann, M Bachmayer, JJ Back, S Baker, P Baladron Rodriguez, V Balagura, W Baldini, J Baptista Leite, RJ Barlow, S Barsuk, W Barter, M Bartolini, F Baryshnikov, JM Basels, G Bassi, V Batozskaya, B Batsukh, A Battig, A Bay, M Becker, F Bedeschi, I Bediaga, A Beiter, V Belavin, S Belin, V Bellee, K Belous, I Belyaev, G Bencivenni, E Ben-Haim, A Berezhnoy, R Bernet, D Berninghoff, HC Bernstein, C Bertella, E Bertholet, A Bertolin, C Betancourt, F Betti, MO Bettler, Ia Bezshyiko, S Bhasin, J Bhom, L Bian, MS Bieker, S Bifani, JA Boelhauve, P Billoir, FCR Bishop, A Bizzeti, M Bjorn, MP Blago, T Blake, F Blanc, S Blusk, D Bobulska, V Bocci, O Boente Garcia, T Boettcher, A Boldyrev, A Bondar, N Bondar, S Borghi, M Borisyak, M Borsato, JT Borsuk, SA Bouchiba, TJV Bowcock, A Boyer, C Bozzi, MJ Bradley, S Braun, A Brea Rodriguez, M Brodski, J Brodzicka, A Brossa Gonzalo, D Brundu, E Buchanan, A Buonaura, C Burr, A Bursche, A Butkevich, JS Butter, J Buytaert, W Byczynski, S Cadeddu, H Cai, R Calabrese, L Calero Diaz, S Cali, R Calladine, M Calvi, M Calvo Gomez, P Camargo Magalhaes, A Camboni, P Campana, DH Campora Perez, AF Campoverde Quezada, S Capelli, L Capriotti, A Carbone, G Carboni, R Cardinale, A Cardini, I Carli, P Carniti, K Carvalho Akiba, A Casais Vidal, G Casse, M Cattaneo, G Cavallero, S Celani, R Cenci, J Cerasoli, AJ Chadwick, MG Chapman, M Charles, Ph Charpentier, G Chatzikonstantinidis, M Chefdeville, V Chekalina, C Chen, S Chen, A Chernov, S-G Chitic, V Chobanova, S Cholak, M Chrzaszcz, A Chubykin, V Chulikov, P Ciambrone, MF Cicala, X Cid Vidal, G Ciezarek, F Cindolo, PEL Clarke, M Clemencic, HV Cliff, J Closier, JL Cobbledick, V Coco, JAB Coelho, J Cogan, E Cogneras, L Cojocariu, P Collins, T Colombo, A Contu, N Cooke, G Coombs, S Coquereau, G Corti, CM Costa Sobral, B Couturier, DC Craik, J Crkovska, A Crocombe, M Cruz Torres, R Currie, CL Da Silva, E Dall'Occo, J Dalseno, C D'Ambrosio, A Danilina, A Davis, O De Aguiar Francisco, K De Bruyn, S De Capua, M De Cian, JM De Miranda, L De Paula, M De Serio, P De Simone, JA de Vries, CT Dean, W Dean, D Decamp, L Del Buono, B Delaney, H-P Dembinski, A Dendek, V Denysenko, D Derkach, O Deschamps, F Desse, F Dettori, B Dey, A Di Canto, P Di Nezza, S Didenko, H Dijkstra, V Dobishuk, AM Donohoe, F Dordei, M Dorigo, AC dos Reis, L Douglas, A Dovbnya, K Dreimanis, MW Dudek, L Dufour, P Durante, JM Durham, D Dutta, M Dziewiecki, A Dziurda, A Dzyuba, S Easo, U Egede, V Egorychev, S Eidelman, S Eisenhardt, S Ek-In, L Eklund, S Ely, A Ene, E Epple, S Escher, J Eschle, S Esen, T Evans, A Falabella, J Fan, Y Fan, B Fang, N Farley, S Farry, D Fazzini, P Fedin, M Feo, P Fernandez Declara, A Fernandez Prieto, F Ferrari, L Ferreira Lopes, F Ferreira Rodrigues, S Ferreres Sole, M Ferrillo, M Ferro-Luzzi, S Filippov, RA Fini, M Fiorini, M Firlej, KM Fischer, C Fitzpatrick, T Fiutowski, F Fleuret, M Fontana, F Fontanelli, R Forty, V Franco Lima, M Franco Sevilla, M Frank, E Franzoso, G Frau, C Frei, DA Friday, J Fu, Q Fuehring, W Funk, E Gabriel, T Gaintseva, A Gallas Torreira, D Galli, S Gallorini, S Gambetta, Y Gan, M Gandelman, P Gandini, Y Gao, LM Garcia Martin, B Garcia Plana, FA Garcia Rosales, L Garrido, D Gascon, C Gaspar, D Gerick, E Gersabeck, M Gersabeck, T Gershon, D Gerstel, Ph Ghez, V Gibson, A Gioventu, P Gironella Gironell, L Giubega, C Giugliano, K Gizdov, VV Gligorov, C Gobel, E Golobardes, D Golubkov, A Golutvin, A Gomes, P Gorbounov, IV Gorelov, C Gotti, E Govorkova, JP Grabowski, R Graciani Diaz, T Grammatico, LA Granado Cardoso, E Grauges, E Graverini, G Graziani, A Grecu, R Greim, P Griffith, L Grillo, L Gruber, BR Gruberg Cazon, C Gu, M Guarise, PA Guenther, E Gushchin, A Guth, Yu Guz, T Gys, T Hadavizadeh, G Haefeli, C Haen, SC Haines, PM Hamilton, Q Han, X Han, TH Hancock, S Hansmann-Menzemer, N Harnew, T Harrison, R Hart, C Hasse, M Hatch, J He, M Hecker, K Heijhoff, K Heinicke, AM Hennequin, K Hennessy, L Henry, J Heuel, A Hicheur, D Hill, M Hilton, PH Hopchev, J Hu, J Hu, W Hu, W Huang, W Hulsbergen, T Humair, RJ Hunter, M Hushchyn, D Hutchcroft, D Hynds, P Ibis, M Idzik, P Ilten, A Inglessi, K Ivshin, R Jacobsson, S Jakobsen, E Jans, BK Jashal, A Jawahery, V Jevtic, F Jiang, M John, D Johnson, CR Jones, B Jost, N Jurik, S Kandybei, M Karacson, JM Kariuki, N Kazeev, M Kecke, F Keizer, M Kelsey, M Kenzie, T Ketel, B Khanji, A Kharisova, KE Kim, T Kirn, VS Kirsebom, S Klaver, K Klimaszewski, S Koliiev, A Kondybayeva, A Konoplyannikov, P Kopciewicz, R Kopecna, P Koppenburg, M Korolev, I Kostiuk, O Kot, S Kotriakhova, L Kravchuk, RD Krawczyk, M Kreps, F Kress, S Kretzschmar, P Krokovny, W Krupa, W Krzemien, W Kucewicz, M Kucharczyk, V Kudryavtsev, HS Kuindersma, GJ Kunde, T Kvaratskheliya, D Lacarrere, G Lafferty, A Lai, D Lancierini, JJ Lane, G Lanfranchi, C Langenbruch, O Lantwin, T Latham, F Lazzari, R Le Gac, SH Lee, R Lefevre, A Leflat, O Leroy, T Lesiak, B Leverington, H Li, L Li, X Li, Y Li, Z Li, X Liang, T Lin, R Lindner, V Lisovskyi, G Liu, X Liu, D Loh, A Loi, J Lomba Castro, I Longstaff, JH Lopes, G Loustau, GH Lovell, Y Lu, D Lucchesi, M Lucio Martinez, Y Luo, A Lupato, E Luppi, O Lupton, A Lusiani, X Lyu, L Ma, S Maccolini, F Machefert, F Maciuc, V Macko, P Mackowiak, S Maddrell-Mander, LR Madhan Mohan, O Maev, A Maevskiy, D Maisuzenko, MW Majewski, S Malde, B Malecki, A Malinin, T Maltsev, H Malygina, G Manca, G Mancinelli, R Manera Escalero, D Manuzzi, D Marangotto, J Maratas, JF Marchand, U Marconi, S Mariani, C Marin Benito, M Marinangeli, P Marino, J Marks, J Marshall, G Martellotti, L Martinazzoli, M Martinelli, D Martinez Santos, F Martinez Vidal, A Massafferri, M Materok, R Matev, A Mathad, Z Mathe, V Matiunin, C Matteuzzi, KR Mattioli, A Mauri, E Maurice, M McCann, L Mcconnell, A McNab, R McNulty, JV Mead, B Meadows, C Meaux, G Meier, N Meinert, D Melnychuk, S Meloni, M Merk, A Merli, L Meyer Garcia, M Mikhasenko, DA Milanes, E Millard, M-N Minard, O Mineev, L Minzoni, SE Mitchell, B Mitreska, DS Mitzel, A Modden, A Mogini, RD Moise, T Mombacher, IA Monroy, S Monteil, M Morandin, G Morello, MJ Morello, J Moron, AB Morris, AG Morris, R Mountain, H Mu, F Muheim, M Mukherjee, M Mulder, D Muller, K Muller, CH Murphy, D Murray, P Muzzetto, P Naik, T Nakada, R Nandakumar, T Nanut, I Nasteva, M Needham, I Neri, N Neri, S Neubert, N Neufeld, R Newcombe, TD Nguyen, C Nguyen-Mau, EM Niel, S Nieswand, N Nikitin, NS Nolte, C Nunez, A Oblakowska-Mucha, V Obraztsov, S Ogilvy, DP O'Hanlon, R Oldeman, CJG Onderwater, JD Osborn, A Ossowska, JM Otalora Goicochea, T Ovsiannikova, P Owen, A Oyanguren, B Pagare, PR Pais, T Pajero, A Palano, M Palutan, G Panshin, A Papanestis, M Pappagallo, LL Pappalardo, C Pappenheimer, W Parker, C Parkes, G Passaleva, A Pastore, M Patel, C Patrignani, A Pearce, A Pellegrino, M Pepe Altarelli, S Perazzini, D Pereima, P Perret, K Petridis, A Petrolini, A Petrov, S Petrucci, M Petruzzo, A Philippov, L Pica, B Pietrzyk, G Pietrzyk, M Pili, D Pinci, J Pinzino, F Pisani, A Piucci, V Placinta, S Playfer, J Plews, M Plo Casasus, F Polci, M Poli Lener, M Poliakova, A Poluektov, N Polukhina, I Polyakov, E Polycarpo, GJ Pomery, S Ponce, A Popov, D Popov, S Popov, S Poslavskii, K Prasanth, L Promberger, C Prouve, V Pugatch, A Puig Navarro, H Pullen, G Punzi, W Qian, J Qin, R Quagliani, B Quintana, NV Raab, RI Rabadan Trejo, B Rachwal, JH Rademacker, M Rama, M Ramos Pernas, MS Rangel, F Ratnikov, G Raven, M Reboud, F Redi, F Reiss, C Remon Alepuz, Z Ren, V Renaudin, S Ricciardi, DS Richards, S Richards, K Rinnert, P Robbe, A Robert, AB Rodrigues, E Rodrigues, JA Rodriguez Lopez, M Roehrken, A Rollings, V Romanovskiy, M Romero Lamas, A Romero Vidal, JD Roth, M Rotondo, MS Rudolph, T Ruf, J Ruiz Vidal, A Ryzhikov, J Ryzka, JJ Saborido Silva, N Sagidova, N Sahoo, B Saitta, C Sanchez Gras, C Sanchez Mayordomo, R Santacesaria, C Santamarina Rios, M Santimaria, E Santovetti, G Sarpis, M Sarpis, A Sarti, C Satriano, A Satta, M Saur, D Savrina, H Sazak, LG Scantlebury Smead, S Schael, M Schellenberg, M Schiller, H Schindler, M Schmelling, T Schmelzer, B Schmidt, O Schneider, A Schopper, HF Schreiner, M Schubiger, S Schulte, MH Schune, R Schwemmer, B Sciascia, A Sciubba, S Sellam, A Semennikov, A Sergi, N Serra, J Serrano, L Sestini, A Seuthe, P Seyfert, DM Shangase, M Shapkin, L Shchutska, T Shears, L Shekhtman, V Shevchenko, EB Shields, E Shmanin, JD Shupperd, BG Siddi, R Silva Coutinho, L Silva de Oliveira, G Simi, S Simone, I Skiba, N Skidmore, T Skwarnicki, MW Slater, JG Smeaton, A Smetkina, E Smith, IT Smith, M Smith, A Snoch, M Soares, L Soares Lavra, MD Sokoloff, FJP Soler, B Souza De Paula, B Spaan, E Spadaro Norella, P Spradlin, F Stagni, M Stahl, S Stahl, P Stefko, O Steinkamp, S Stemmle, O Stenyakin, M Stepanova, H Stevens, S Stone, S Stracka, ME Stramaglia, M Straticiuc, S Strokov, J Sun, L Sun, Y Sun, P Svihra, K Swientek, A Szabelski, T Szumlak, M Szymanski, S Taneja, Z Tang, T Tekampe, F Teubert, E Thomas, KA Thomson, MJ Tilley, V Tisserand, S T'Jampens, M Tobin, S Tolk, L Tomassetti, D Torres Machado, DY Tou, E Tournefier, M Traill, MT Tran, E Trifonova, C Trippl, A Tsaregorodtsev, G Tuci, A Tully, N Tuning, A Ukleja, A Usachov, A Ustyuzhanin, U Uwer, A Vagner, V Vagnoni, A Valassi, G Valenti, M van Beuzekom, H Van Hecke, E van Herwijnen, CB Van Hulse, M van Veghel, R Vazquez Gomez, P Vazquez Regueiro, C Vazquez Sierra, S Vecchi, JJ Velthuis, M Veltri, A Venkateswaran, M Veronesi, M Vesterinen, D Vieira, M Vieites Diaz, H Viemann, X Vilasis-Cardona, G Vitali, A Vitkovskiy, A Vollhardt, D Vom Bruch, A Vorobyev, V Vorobyev, N Voropaev, R Waldi, J Walsh, J Wang, J Wang, J Wang, M Wang, Y Wang, Z Wang, DR Ward, HM Wark, NK Watson, D Websdale, A Weiden, C Weisser, BDC Westhenry, DJ White, M Whitehead, D Wiedner, G Wilkinson, M Wilkinson, I Williams, M Williams, MRJ Williams, T Williams, FF Wilson, W Wislicki, M Witek, L Witola, G Wormser, SA Wotton, H Wu, K Wyllie, Z Xiang, D Xiao, Y Xie, H Xing, A Xu, J Xu, L Xu, M Xu, Q Xu, Z Xu, Z Yang, Y Yao, LE Yeomans, H Yin, J Yu, X Yuan, O Yushchenko, KA Zarebski, M Zavertyaev, M Zdybal, M Zeng, D Zhang, L Zhang, S Zhang, WC Zhang, Y Zhang, A Zhelezov, Y Zheng, X Zhou, Y Zhou, X Zhu, V Zhukov, JB Zonneveld, S Zucchelli, D Zuliani, G Zunica
Feb 24, 2021
A search for the doubly heavy $\mathit{\Xi}_{bc}^{0}$ baryon using its decay to the $D^0pK^-$ final state is performed using proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected by the LHCb experiment...
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Two Case Studies of Topic-Related Multidimensional Reading Services in China
This article provides a brief summary of the development of topic-related multidimensional reading services in academic libraries in China. The authors mainly introduce the methods and practices that Tongji University Library...
Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay
The first search for the rare radiative decay $\Xi_b^- \to \Xi^- \gamma$ is performed using data collected by the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an...
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Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ in the Ξc+<sup>π−</sup><sup>π+</sup> final state
A search for the doubly charmed baryon $\it{\Xi}_{cc}^{+}$ is performed in the $\it{\Xi}_{c}^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{+}$ invariant-mass spectrum, where the $\it{\Xi}_{c}^{+}$ baryon is reconstructed in the $p K^{-} \pi^{+}$...
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Search for the radiative Ξb− → Ξ<sup> −</sup> γ decay
The first search for the rare radiative decay $\Xi_b^- \to \Xi^- \gamma$ is performed using data collected by the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an...
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A search for Ξcc++ → D<sup>+</sup>pK<sup>−</sup> π <sup>+</sup> decays
A search for the $\it{\Xi}^{++}_{cc}$ baryon through the $\it{\Xi}^{++}_{cc} \rightarrow D^{+} p K^{-} \pi^{+}$ decay is performed with a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ recorded...
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Search for the doubly heavy baryons Ω<inf>bc</inf><sup>0</sup>and Ξ<inf>bc</inf><sup>0</sup>decaying to Λ<inf>c</inf><sup>+</sup>π- And Ξ<inf>c</inf><sup>+</sup>π- And c
The first search for the doubly heavy $\it{\Omega}_{bc}^{\rm0}$ baryon and a search for $\it{\Xi}_{bc}^{\rm0}$ baryon are performed using $pp$ collision data collected via the LHCb experiment from 2016 to 2018 at a...
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Costs and Benefits
Xi Wan
Apr 26, 2016
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Characterising random partitions by random colouring
Let (X1, X2, …) be a random partition of the unit interval [0, 1], i.e. Xi ≥ 0 and ∑i≥1 Xi = 1, and let (ε1, ε2, …) be i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables of parameter p ϵ (0, 1). The Bernoulli convolution of the partition is the...
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Conservation Biology Class Seeks to Save Box Turtles From Urbanization
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
HIGHLIGHTS They received three grants - from the North American Box Turtle Conservation Committee, Sigma Xi and the Winthrop Research Council - and used the funds to purchase radio transmitters.
Published by: Winthrop University
Characterising random partitions by random colouring
Let (X1, X2, …) be a random partition of the unit interval [0, 1], i.e. Xi ≥ 0 and ∑i≥1 Xi = 1, and let (ε1, ε2, …) be i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables of parameter p ϵ (0, 1). The Bernoulli convolution of the partition is the...
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New invariants of G<sub>2</sub>-structures
We define a Z/48-valued homotopy invariant nu of a G_2-structure on the tangent bundle of a closed 7-manifold in terms of the signature and Euler characteristic of a coboundary with a Spin(7)-structure. For manifolds of holonomy...
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Search for the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+
A search for the doubly charmed baryon $\it{\Omega}_{cc}^{+}$ with the decay mode $\it{\Omega}_{cc}^{+}\to\it{\Xi}_c^{+}K^{-}\pi^{+}$ is performed using proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of...
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Coronal Densities, Temperatures, and Abundances during the 2019 Total Solar Eclipse
Abstract The Airborne Infrared Spectrometer (AIR-Spec) offers an unprecedented opportunity to explore the near-infrared (NIR) wavelength range. It has been flown at two total solar...
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New invariants of G<sub>2</sub>-structures
We define a Z/48-valued homotopy invariant nu of a G_2-structure on the tangent bundle of a closed 7-manifold in terms of the signature and Euler characteristic of a coboundary with a Spin(7)-structure. For manifolds of holonomy...
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Legend of Nine Dragons and Two Tigers
Xi Ju
Sep 21, 2016
Peking Temple Survey Schedule in Capital Library of China recorded the saying of “nine dragons, two tigers and one stele”, this legend still spread in the old residents in Xizhimen Street西直门大街. Through the history research and...
CBA Students Earn Two Notable Awards
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Cissie Xi, an accounting major from Nantong, China, has received a $2,000 scholarship from the Charlotte chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors. The Society for Human Resource Management won the Superior Merit Award for...
Published by: Winthrop University








