
Results: 4
Family Businesses and Their Transition to Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is the new paradigm shift impacting businesses today. This study explores the state of Bangladeshi family businesses in adapting to I4.0 using a qualitative research methodology. Top management personnel were...
Published by: IGI Global
Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus in the South Mediterranean Countries (SMCs)
Khalil Mhadhbi
Jan 01, 2022
This article investigates the presence of asymmetries in the short- and long-run relationships between financial development and economic growth covering four SMCs from 1984 to 2017 by applying the nonlinear ARDL. We factored...
Published by: IGI Global
Study of Healthcare Annotation Systems
The annotation practice is an almost daily activity used by healthcare professionals (PHC) to analyze patients' records, collaborate, share knowledge, and communicate. These annotations are generated within a healthcare cycle....
Published by: IGI Global
A Service Architecture Using Machine Learning to Contextualize Anomaly Detection
This article introduces a service that helps provide context and an explanation for the outlier score given to any network flow record selected by the analyst. The authors propose a service architecture for the delivery of...
Published by: IGI Global