
Results: 78831
A case for multiple pathways to increasing perfectionism

We respond to Soenens and Vansteenkiste's (2019) commentary on our meta-analysis (Curran & Hill, 2019) that evidenced increases in college students' perfectionism from 1989 to 2016. In speculating on possible reasons for...

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A case for multiple pathways to increasing perfectionism

We respond to Soenens and Vansteenkiste's (2019) commentary on our meta-analysis (Curran & Hill, 2019) that evidenced increases in college students' perfectionism from 1989 to 2016. In speculating on possible reasons for...

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The mediating role of psychological need satisfaction in relationships between types of passion for sport and athlete burnout
Research indicates that obsessive and harmonious passion can explain variability in burnout through various mediating processes (e.g., Vallerand, Paquet, Phillippe, & Charest, 2010). The current study extended previous...
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The mediating role of psychological need satisfaction in relationships between types of passion for sport and athlete burnout
Research indicates that obsessive and harmonious passion can explain variability in burnout through various mediating processes (e.g., Vallerand, Paquet, Phillippe, & Charest, 2010). The current study extended previous...
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Development and initial validation of the role strain questionnaire for junior athletes (RSQ-JA)
In a series of related studies, the relevance of a role strain framework to interpret the difficulties junior elite athletes experience in their multiple life domains was assessed. Here, the Role Strain Questionnaire for Junior...
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Alumni Honor Outgoing Executive Director with Endowed Scholarship
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The scholarship is a way of thanking Curran for her exceptional service to the university and its 42,000 alumni from 1981 to 2005. A community retirement drop-in will be held from 3:30-5 p.m. on Dec. 8 in 304 Tillman.
Published by: Winthrop University
Ultra stable, inkjet-printed pseudo reference electrodes for lab-on-chip integrated electrochemical biosensors
Lab-on-Chip technology comprises one of the most promising technologies
enabling the widespread adoption of Point-of-Care testing in routine clinical
practice. However, until now advances in Lab-on-Chip have not been...
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Ultra stable, inkjet-printed pseudo reference electrodes for lab-on-chip integrated electrochemical biosensors
Lab-on-Chip technology comprises one of the most promising technologies
enabling the widespread adoption of Point-of-Care testing in routine clinical
practice. However, until now advances in Lab-on-Chip have not been...
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Muon-spin rotation measurements of the vortex state in Sr<sub>2</sub> Ru O<sub>4</sub>
Muon-spin rotation has been used to probe the vortex state in Sr2 Ru O4. At moderate fields and temperatures a lattice of triangular symmetry is observed, crossing over to a lattice of square symmetry with increasing field and...
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Remotely induced magnetism in a normal metal using a superconducting spin-valve

Superconducting spintronics has emerged in the past decade as a promising new field that seeks to open a new dimension for nanoelectronics by utilizing the internal spin structure of the superconducting Cooper pair as a new...

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Equilibrium properties of superconducting niobium at high magnetic fields

The standard interpretation of the phase diagram of type-II superconductors was developed in the 1960s and has since been considered a well-established part of classical superconductivity. However, upon closer examination a...

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A test of perfectionistic vulnerability following competitive failure among college athletes

Perfectionism purportedly bestows vulnerability to distress through an interaction with achievement and interpersonal stress. The authors test this by assessing athletes' perfectionism and subsequent self-conscious emotion...

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Achieving robustness to aleatoric uncertainty with heteroscedastic Bayesian optimisation
Abstract: Bayesian optimisation is a sample-efficient search methodology that holds great promise for accelerating drug and materials discovery programs. A frequently-overlooked modelling consideration in Bayesian optimisation...
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Remotely induced magnetism in a normal metal using a superconducting spin-valve

Superconducting spintronics has emerged in the past decade as a promising new field that seeks to open a new dimension for nanoelectronics by utilizing the internal spin structure of the superconducting Cooper pair as a new...

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Multidimensional perfectionism and burnout
A meta-analysis is provided of research examining the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and burnout. In doing so, relationships before and after controlling for the relationship between dimensions of...
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Costa, cancer and coronavirus
Lockdown measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic involve placing huge burdens on some members of society for the sake of benefiting other members of society. How should we decide when these policies are permissible? Many...
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Equilibrium properties of superconducting niobium at high magnetic fields

The standard interpretation of the phase diagram of type-II superconductors was developed in the 1960s and has since been considered a well-established part of classical superconductivity. However, upon closer examination a...

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Vortex imaging and vortex lattice transitions in superconducting Sr(2)RuO(4) single crystals
Scanning Hall probe microscopy has been used to study vortex structures in very-high-quality single crystals of the unconventional superconductor Sr(2)RuO(4) (T(c) congruent to 1.5 K). In none of our samples do we find credible...
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Multidimensional perfectionism and burnout
A meta-analysis is provided of research examining the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and burnout. In doing so, relationships before and after controlling for the relationship between dimensions of...
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A three-wave longitudinal test of self-determination theory’s mediation model of engagement and disaffection in youth sport
Research adopting self-determination theory (SDT) supports a mediation model whereby coach motivational styles (autonomy support and interpersonal control) predict athletes’ engagement and disaffection in youth sport via the...
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