
Results: 78792
The Ursinus Weekly, December 14, 1914
Excellent lecture second in course Inspiring address by Dr. John Gordon Schaff to present Lady of Lyons Mastery and service Literary societies On the campus Colleges take up liquor problem Intercollegiate note Girls hold...
Published by: Ursinus College
‘Drink a 12 box before you go’

The practice of pre-loading—drinking large amounts of alcohol rapidly in private spaces prior to socialising in the night-time economy—has come to notice recently in the study of alcohol-related harm, but no studies have...

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‘Drink a 12 box before you go’

The practice of pre-loading—drinking large amounts of alcohol rapidly in private spaces prior to socialising in the night-time economy—has come to notice recently in the study of alcohol-related harm, but no studies have...

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Written in White
Nathan Lyons
Jan 16, 2017
The poem ‘Colloquies’ by Australian poet Kevin Hart can be read as a literary elaboration of Rabbi Isaac the Blind’s theory of divine white writing. ‘Colloquies’ finds white writing in the pages of God s three books—scripture...
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Achieving robustness to aleatoric uncertainty with heteroscedastic Bayesian optimisation
Abstract: Bayesian optimisation is a sample-efficient search methodology that holds great promise for accelerating drug and materials discovery programs. A frequently-overlooked modelling consideration in Bayesian optimisation...
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Predictors of Juvenile Court Dispositions in a First-Time Offender Population
Scholars and policy makers have long been troubled by the potential for some youth to receive disparate sanctioning as a function of extralegal factors, especially against the backdrop of ethnic/racial minority group...
Predictors of Juvenile Court Dispositions in a First-Time Offender Population
Scholars and policy makers have long been troubled by the potential for some youth to receive disparate sanctioning as a function of extralegal factors, especially against the backdrop of ethnic/racial minority group...
A spine approach to branching diffusions with applications to L-p-convergence of martingales
R Hardy, Simon C Harris
Jun 01, 2009
We present a modified formalization of the 'spine' change of measure approach for branching diffusions in the spirit, of those found in Kyprianou [40] and Lyons et al. [44, 437 41]. We use our formulation to interpret certain...
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Depression amongst interns working in a tertiary care teaching Hospital in Maharashtra
Background: Internship is a crucial stage of medical school regarding student stress which can affect the patient care negatively. Retrieving knowledge about presence of depression is therefore important in itself and if found...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
A Model of Cloud Forensic Application With Assurance of Cloud Log
The key concepts of digital forensic investigation in cloud computing are examination and investigation. Cybercriminals target cloud-based web applications due to presence of vulnerabilities. Forensic investigation is a complex...
A spine approach to branching diffusions with applications to L-p-convergence of martingales
R Hardy, Simon C Harris
Jun 01, 2009
We present a modified formalization of the 'spine' change of measure approach for branching diffusions in the spirit, of those found in Kyprianou [40] and Lyons et al. [44, 437 41]. We use our formulation to interpret certain...
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Predictors of Juvenile Court Dispositions in a First-Time Offender Population
Scholars and policy makers have long been troubled by the potential for some youth to receive disparate sanctioning as a function of extralegal factors, especially against the backdrop of ethnic/racial minority group...
Depression amongst interns working in a tertiary care teaching Hospital in Maharashtra
Background: Internship is a crucial stage of medical school regarding student stress which can affect thepatient care negatively. Retrieving knowledge about presence of depression is therefore important in itself and iffound...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
IPR Policy Brief - Would you 'like' a drink? Youth drinking cultures, social media and alcohol marketing online
The high level of alcohol consumption amongst young people in countries with more liberal alcohol policies has been a focus of public health concern for some time. Many young adults regularly engage in heavy drinking episodes...
Published by: University of Bath
Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews Dataset Using Support Vector Machines and Ensemble Learning
The internet makes it easier for people to connect to each other and has become a platform to express ideas and share information with the world. The growth of the internet has indirectly led to the development of social...








