
Results: 78772
Protocol for the Proactive Or Reactive Telephone Smoking CeSsation Support (PORTSSS) trial
Background: Telephone quit lines are accessible to many smokers and are used to engage motivated smokers to make quit attempts. Smoking cessation counselling provided via telephone can either be reactive (i.e. primarily...
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Use of e-cigarettes (inhalable vapour producing battery powered devices that aim to simulate tobacco cigarettes), is rising in a number of countries, but as yet none of these products are regulated as...
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Use of e-cigarettes (inhalable vapour producing battery powered devices that aim to simulate tobacco cigarettes), is rising in a number of countries, but as yet none of these products are regulated as...
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Protocol for the Proactive Or Reactive Telephone Smoking CeSsation Support (PORTSSS) trial
Background: Telephone quit lines are accessible to many smokers and are used to engage motivated smokers to make quit attempts. Smoking cessation counselling provided via telephone can either be reactive (i.e. primarily...
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A Context-Sensing Mobile Phone App (Q Sense) for Smoking Cessation
BACKGROUND: A major cause of lapse and relapse to smoking during a quit attempt is craving triggered by cues from a smoker's immediate environment. To help smokers address these cue-induced cravings when attempting to quit, we...
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Use and effectiveness of lapse prevention strategies among pregnant smokers.
Little is known about the use of lapse prevention strategies to help smokers manage situation-triggered urges to smoke. Pregnant smokers (N = 174) participating in an intervention trial reported use of cognitive-behavioural...
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Views from the coalface

The UK Stop Smoking Services (SSS) are a source of information and advice on e-cigarettes for smokers and thus it is important to understand the knowledge of, and attitudes towards, e-cigarettes held by stop smoking...

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Achieving robustness to aleatoric uncertainty with heteroscedastic Bayesian optimisation
Abstract: Bayesian optimisation is a sample-efficient search methodology that holds great promise for accelerating drug and materials discovery programs. A frequently-overlooked modelling consideration in Bayesian optimisation...
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Evaluating long-term outcomes of NHS stop smoking services (ELONS)

Background: NHS Stop Smoking Services (SSSs) provide free at the point of use treatment for smokers who would like to stop. Since their inception in 1999 they have evolved to offer a variety of support options. Given the...

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A Model of Cloud Forensic Application With Assurance of Cloud Log
The key concepts of digital forensic investigation in cloud computing are examination and investigation. Cybercriminals target cloud-based web applications due to presence of vulnerabilities. Forensic investigation is a complex...
Depression amongst interns working in a tertiary care teaching Hospital in Maharashtra
Background: Internship is a crucial stage of medical school regarding student stress which can affect thepatient care negatively. Retrieving knowledge about presence of depression is therefore important in itself and iffound...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
Depression amongst interns working in a tertiary care teaching Hospital in Maharashtra
Background: Internship is a crucial stage of medical school regarding student stress which can affect the patient care negatively. Retrieving knowledge about presence of depression is therefore important in itself and if found...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
Messengers to the Brain: [Dr. Bruce McEwen]
Rockefeller University Research Profiles are a series of scientific profiles that were published quarterly, from 1980-1990, by the Rockefeller University. Each issue features the research and achievements of an individual...
Views from the coalface

The UK Stop Smoking Services (SSS) are a source of information and advice on e-cigarettes for smokers and thus it is important to understand the knowledge of, and attitudes towards, e-cigarettes held by stop smoking...

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Knowledge and Attitude among High School Students towards HIV / AIDS in Rural areas of Belagavi–A Cross Sectional Study
Introduction Since its emergence in 1981, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which poses a serious challenge to mankind, without doubt, has become one of the most serious infectious diseases. Many adolescents around the world are sexually...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews Dataset Using Support Vector Machines and Ensemble Learning
The internet makes it easier for people to connect to each other and has become a platform to express ideas and share information with the world. The growth of the internet has indirectly led to the development of social...
Right sided eventration of diaphragm with clinodactyly
Diaphragmatic hernia can be of two types-absence or deficiency of the diaphragm, or eventration resulting in elevation of a portion of the diaphragm as a result of incomplete muscularization. Complete eventration almost...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
Knowledge and Attitude among High School Students towards HIV / AIDS in Rural areas of Belagavi–A Cross Sectional Study
Introduction Since its emergence in 1981, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which poses a serious challenge to mankind, without doubt, has become one of the most serious infectious diseases. Many adolescents around the world are sexually...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in Ghana
The study assessed the sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices of 303 manufacturing firms in Ghana with an annual turnover of not less than $1,000,000, which were purposively selected for the study. A questionnaire...








