
Results: 723
Rivers As International Borders
Anna A. Flores
May 01, 2022
Along transboundary river borders in North and Central America social-political factors such as conservation, militarization, and migration impact natural resources leaving the United States, Mexico, and Guatemala at risk of...
Suitability and acceptability of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) for the assessment of carers of people with MND
Objectives: Motor neurone disease (MND) is a progressive, life-limiting illness. Caregiving impacts greatly on family carers with few supportive interventions for carers. We report Stages 1 and 2 of a study to: (1) explore...
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Analysis of a Helmholtz preconditioning problem motivated by uncertainty quantification
This paper analyses the following question: let Aj, j = 1,2, be the Galerkin matrices corresponding to finite-element discretisations of the exterior Dirichlet problem for the heterogeneous Helmholtz equations ∇⋅ (Aj∇uj) +...
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Analysis of a Helmholtz preconditioning problem motivated by uncertainty quantification
This paper analyses the following question: let Aj, j = 1,2, be the Galerkin matrices corresponding to finite-element discretisations of the exterior Dirichlet problem for the heterogeneous Helmholtz equations ∇⋅ (Aj∇uj) +...
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Predicting cancer patients' participation in support groups
OBJECTIVE: Few patients participate in cancer support groups despite their benefits. This study investigated the importance of Theory of Planned Behaviour variables in predicting group participation, relative to disease impact...
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Factors influencing practitioner adoption of carer-led assessment in palliative homecare
INTRODUCTION: Informal caregivers play a pivotal role in supporting patients approaching the end of life. The Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) is designed to facilitate person-centred assessment and support through a...
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The contributions of family care-givers at end of life
BACKGROUND: Family members provide vital care at end of life, enabling patients to remain at home. Such informal care contributes significantly to the economy while supporting patients' preferences and government policy....
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Enabling successful hospital discharge to home at end of life
Introduction Successful hospital discharge and prevention of readmission often depend on carers’ ability to support patients. Aim To investigate how carers are supported during patient discharge from acute care towards end of...
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Quelques designations de l'arum tachete (Arum macula/urn L.) dans les dialectes gallo-romans et daco-roumains
La motivation sémantique, source de la création lexicale, est une réalité qui a été mise en évidence dans de nombreuses études, partant sur le lexique lui-meme (voir l'Atlas Linguarum Europae ALE, l'Atlas Linguistique Roman...
<i>Patrie, peuple, amitié</i>
Claire White
Jan 10, 2019
In his 1846 study of the People, Jules Michelet championed the peasant as the beating heart of the French nation. His libidinal attachment to a particular place, indeed to a particular soil, encapsulated the fundamental ties...
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Glucocorticoid maturation of mitochondrial respiratory capacity in skeletal muscle before birth.
In adults, glucocorticoids act to match the supply and demand for energy during physiological challenges, partly through actions on tissue mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) capacity. However, little is known about...
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