
Results: 124
Synthesis and Characterization of Mullites From Silicoaluminous Fly Ash Waste
Fly ash is considered one of the major hazardous pollutants around the globe. Every year a million tonnes of fly ash is disposed of into the fly ash ponds which are major sites of pollution. The major fractions of fly ash are...
Monitoring ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) in British forests using hyperspectral remote sensing
Abstract: Large‐scale dieback of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus is posing an immense threat to forest health in Europe, requiring effective monitoring at large scales. In this study, a...
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Seismic Evaluation of a Profile of Volcanic Ash From the South American Andes
Although soils derived from volcanic ash are only a small portion of the soils that cover the world's surface, cities have developed on some of these soils. This makes their study interesting, especially since soils derived from...
The social amplification of risk on Twitter
It has long been recognised that the traditional media play a key role in representing risk and are a significant source of information which can shape how people perceive and respond to hazard events. Early work utilising the...
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The social amplification of risk on Twitter
It has long been recognised that the traditional media play a key role in representing risk and are a significant source of information which can shape how people perceive and respond to hazard events. Early work utilising the...
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Effects of nanosilica on the calcium silicate hydrates in Portland cement–fly ash systems
Cementitious materials have a complex chemistry and naturally form nanostructures in the hydration process, a network of calcium silicate hydrates. It is considered that nanoparticles such as nanosilica could act as a pozzolanic...
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Effects of nanosilica on the calcium silicate hydrates in Portland cement–fly ash systems
Cementitious materials have a complex chemistry and naturally form nanostructures in the hydration process, a network of calcium silicate hydrates. It is considered that nanoparticles such as nanosilica could act as a pozzolanic...
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Metabolic Reprogramming and Oncogenesis
ASH Costa, C Frezza
Jan 11, 2018
The process of tumorigenesis can be described by a series of molecular features, among which alteration of cellular metabolism has recently emerged. This metabolic rewiring fulfills the energy and biosynthetic demands of fast...
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A visual model for predicting chromatic banding artifacts
Quantization of images containing low texture regions, such as sky, water or skin, can produce banding artifacts. As the bit-depth of each color channel is decreased, smooth image gradients are transformed into perceivable...
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Mental health, subjectivity and the city
Lisa Richaud, Ash Amin
May 03, 2019
Ethnography, with its focus on everyday experience, can yield significant insights into understanding migrant mental health in contexts where signs of severe mental distress remain largely imperceptible, and more generally, into...
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A lightweight and low power oscillating microbalance for in situ sampling of atmospheric ice and volcanic ash is described for airborne platforms. Using a freely exposed collecting wire fixed at only one end to a piezo...
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A lightweight and low power oscillating microbalance for in situ sampling of atmospheric ice and volcanic ash is described for airborne platforms. Using a freely exposed collecting wire fixed at only one end to a piezo...
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Development and field trial of a driver assistance system to encourage eco-driving in light commercial vehicle fleets
Driver training schemes and eco-driving techniques can reduce fuel
consumption by 10% but their effectiveness depends on the willingness of drivers to change their behaviour, and changes may be short lived. On board driver...
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Development of a new method to assess fuel saving using gear shift indicators
European regulations set the emissions requirements for new vehicles at 130 g CO2/km, with an additional 10 g CO2/km to be achieved by additional complementary measures, including gear shift indicators. However, there is...
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