
Results: 290
An Explanatory Comparison of Japanese Secondary English Textbooks and IB English Textbooks
Akihiro Yasuda
Feb 19, 2021
Fifty percent of IB schools in Japan use both the national and IB-authorized English textbooks. This chapter will explore the issue of how these differ. Books used for the study came from MYP Phase 3, MYP Phase 4, DP English B...
Chelate stabilized metal oxides for visible light photocatalyzed water oxidations
Visible light driven photocatalytic water oxidations were undertaken that compared lactate stabilized molecular and nanoparticle cobalt complexes and calcium manganese oxides as simple mimics of the PSII CaMn4O5 catalyst....
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Chelate stabilized metal oxides for visible light photocatalyzed water oxidations
Visible light driven photocatalytic water oxidations were undertaken that compared lactate stabilized molecular and nanoparticle cobalt complexes and calcium manganese oxides as simple mimics of the PSII CaMn4O5 catalyst....
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Differential Regulation of the Melanoma Proteome by eIF4A1 and eIF4E.
Small molecules and antisense oligonucleotides that inhibit the translation initiation factors eIF4A1 and eIF4E have been explored as broad-based therapeutic agents for cancer treatment, based on the frequent upregulation of...
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Assessment of Aspartate and Bicarbonate Produced From Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate as Markers of Renal Gluconeogenesis.
As both a consumer and producer of glucose, the kidney plays a significant role in glucose homeostasis. Measuring renal gluconeogenesis requires invasive techniques, and less invasive methods would allow renal gluconeogenesis to...
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Assessment of Aspartate and Bicarbonate Produced From Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate as Markers of Renal Gluconeogenesis.
As both a consumer and producer of glucose, the kidney plays a significant role in glucose homeostasis. Measuring renal gluconeogenesis requires invasive techniques, and less invasive methods would allow renal gluconeogenesis to...
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Noninvasive rapid detection of metabolic adaptation in activated human T lymphocytes by hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance.
The metabolic shift induced in human CD4+ T lymphocytes by stimulation is characterized by an upregulation of glycolysis, leading to an augmentation in lactate production. This adaptation has already been highlighted with...
Published by: Scientific reports
Noninvasive rapid detection of metabolic adaptation in activated human T lymphocytes by hyperpolarized 13 C magnetic resonance
Abstract: The metabolic shift induced in human CD4+ T lymphocytes by stimulation is characterized by an upregulation of glycolysis, leading to an augmentation in lactate production. This adaptation has already been highlighted...
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