Solving the conundrum of intra-specific variation in metabolic rate: A multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit: New technical developments are opening the door to an understanding of why metabolic rate varies among individual animals of a species
Neil B Metcalfe,
Jakob Bellman,
Pierre Bize,
Pierre U Blier,
Amélie Crespel,
Neal J Dawson,
Ruth E Dunn,
Lewis G Halsey,
Wendy R Hood,
Mark Hopkins,
Shaun S Killen,
Darryl McLennan,
Lauren E Nadler,
Julie JH Nati,
Matthew J Noakes,
Tommy Norin,
Susan E Ozanne,
Malcolm Peaker,
Amanda K Pettersen,
Anna Przybylska-Piech,
Alann Rathery,
Charlotte Récapet,
Enrique Rodríguez,
Karine Salin,
Antoine Stier,
Elisa Thoral,
Klaas R Westerterp,
Margriet S Westerterp-Plantenga,
Michał S Wojciechowski,
Pat Monaghan
Apr 12, 2023
Researchers from diverse disciplines, including organismal and cellular physiology, sports science, human nutrition, evolution and ecology, have sought to understand the causes and consequences of the surprising variation in...