
Results: 1618
Andrea Mantegna's Wedding Chamber
The Wedding Chamber fresco, also known as Camera Picta, or La Camera Degli Sposi, painted by Andrea Mantegna at the dawn of the Renaissance, epitomizes the most outstanding expression of personal creativity and innovation from...
Mental contamination in the "Dirty Kiss"

It has been suggested that an act of a betrayal by a trusted person is a particularly important “violation” which can lead to feelings of “mental contamination”. Most experimental research has used an imaginal task referred...
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Mental contamination in the "Dirty Kiss"

It has been suggested that an act of a betrayal by a trusted person is a particularly important “violation” which can lead to feelings of “mental contamination”. Most experimental research has used an imaginal task referred...
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Play ''Kiss Me Kate'' is Challenging Production for Department
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
"Kiss Me Kate" is based on a book by Sam and Bella Spewack, with Broadway composer Cole Porter providing music and lyrics. The play was first presented at Winthrop in 1963 when it was directed by Chris Reynolds.
Published by: Winthrop University
The Origin of Inequality. Origini 3, edited by Andrea Cardarelli, Alberto Cazzella and Marcella Frangipane
The article reviews The Origins of Inequality, a collection of essays brought together by Andrea Cardarelli, Alberto Cazzella and Marcella Frangipane following a series of seminars on this theme at the University of Roma La...
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Riding the Fourth Wave
Andrea Webb
Jan 10, 2020
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is an important international movement in higher education. It is a continuously developing field that is traced back to Ernest Boyer's 1990 report, “Scholarship Reconsidered...
The Role of Social Media in Creativity Management in Advertising Agencies
Andrea Rubik
Jan 01, 2022
Social media has changed traditional advertising, driving, expanding, and shaping creativity in an advertising agency and challenging its existing creativity management. As such, it represents one of the most transformative...
Mark Anthony Carpio
Jan 17, 2014
Plenary Keynote Presentation V: Panel Presentation from The Phenomenon of Singing International Symposium VIII. Held at Memorial University, St. John's NL, 2011. Introduction: Andrea Rose (Memorial University of Newfoundland...
Published by: Faculty of Education
Mark Anthony Carpio
Jan 17, 2014
Plenary Keynote Presentation V: Panel Presentation from The Phenomenon of Singing International Symposium VIII. Held at Memorial University, St. John's NL, 2011. Introduction: Andrea Rose (Memorial University of Newfoundland...
Published by: Faculty of Education
Systematic Review of Outdoor Science Learning Activities with the Integration of Mobile Devices
The purpose of this systematic study review was to describe how researchers integrated mobile devices into outdoor science learning, assessment of those activities, and alignment of purpose, integration, and assessment. From...
Here's the Tea on TikTok: An Ethnographic Study of TikTok Subcommunities
Madison Kiss
Jan 01, 0001
This research seeks to examine the culture of one specific subcommunity of TikTok: Moms of TikTok. This paper reports on a three-month ethnographic study in which I immersed myself within the Moms of TikTok community in order to...
Published by: Ursinus College
Plenary Keynote Presentation VIOur voice
Plenary Keynote Presentation VI from The Phenomenon of Singing International Symposium VIII. Held at Memorial University, St. John's NL, 2011. Introduction: Ki Adams and Andrea Rose (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Published by: Faculty of Education
Working Memory and Attention Deficits During a Letter Number Sequencing Task Post-Concussion
Shannon Kiss
Jan 01, 0001
As the prevalence of sports related concussions rise, the long-term effects of concussions have garnered increasing research attention. Previous research has demonstrated that certain dimensions of executive function are...
Published by: Ursinus College
Plenary Keynote Presentation VIOur voice
Plenary Keynote Presentation VI from The Phenomenon of Singing International Symposium VIII. Held at Memorial University, St. John's NL, 2011. Introduction: Ki Adams and Andrea Rose (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Published by: Faculty of Education
An Evolutionary Game to Model Offshoring and Reshoring of Production Between Developed and Developing Countries
A dynamic model is proposed to describe the time evolution of production location choices of a multinational enterprise that can decide between two possible manufacturing locations: a stylized developed economy and a developing...








