
Results: 599
The pharmaceutical solvent N-methyl-2-pyrollidone (NMP) attenuates inflammation through Krüppel-like factor 2 activation to reduce atherogenesis
Abstract: N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is a versatile water-miscible polar aprotic solvent. It is used as a drug solubilizer and penetration enhancer in human and animal, yet its bioactivity properties remain elusive. Here, we...
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A Review of Spectrum Sensing Techniques Based on Machine Learning
This article presents a survey of current spectrum sensing (SS) research involving the application of image processing and deep learning techniques. This document includes approaches to narrowband, wideband, and cooperative SS....
Local Limit Theorems for the Random Conductance Model and Applications to the Ginzburg–Landau ∇ ϕ Interface Model
Abstract: We study a continuous-time random walk on Zd in an environment of random conductances taking values in (0, ∞). For a static environment, we extend the quenched local limit theorem to the case of a general speed...
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Berry–Esseen theorem and quantitative homogenization for the random conductance model with degenerate conductances
We study the random conductance model on the lattice $Z^d$, i.e. we consider a linear, finite-difference, divergence-form operator with random coefficients and the associated random walk under random conductances. We allow the...
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Andrea Mantegna's Wedding Chamber
The Wedding Chamber fresco, also known as Camera Picta, or La Camera Degli Sposi, painted by Andrea Mantegna at the dawn of the Renaissance, epitomizes the most outstanding expression of personal creativity and innovation from...
Variational Autoencoders for Cancer Data Integration
International initiatives such as the Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium are collecting multiple data sets at different genome-scales with the aim to identify novel cancer bio-markers and predict...
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Genetic Variation in Neurotransmitter Receptors Generates Behavioral Diversity
Andres Bendesky
Jan 01, 0001
Variation in behavior among individuals is both remarkable and of great significance to society. People differ in locomotor skills, in sleep patterns, in their willingness to take risks, and in how they relate to other people....
Published by: Rockefeller University
MicroExonator enables systematic discovery and quantification of microexons across mouse embryonic development
Abstract: Background: Microexons, exons that are ≤ 30 nucleotides, are a highly conserved and dynamically regulated set of cassette exons. They have key roles in nervous system development and function, as evidenced by recent...
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The Role of Microglia in the Effects of Steroid Hormones on Brain Inflammation
The conditions defining whether microglial activation is detrimental or beneficial to neuronal survival are still poorly understood. Better understanding of the factors regulating microglia activation may lead to improved...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Health-related quality of life in paediatric patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus using insulin infusion systems. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
BACKGROUND: In 2017, more than 1.1 million children were living with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) globally. The goal in paediatric diabetes therapy is reaching optimal glycaemic control as early as possible in order to avoid...
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Differences in receipt of opioid agonist treatment and time to enter treatment for opioid use disorder among specialty addiction programs in the United States, 2014-17
Background: Access to adequate treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) has been a high priority among American policymakers. Elucidation of the sociodemographic and institutional differences associated with the use, or lack...
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Differences in receipt of opioid agonist treatment and time to enter treatment for opioid use disorder among specialty addiction programs in the United States, 2014-17.
BACKGROUND:Access to adequate treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) has been a high priority among American policymakers. Elucidation of the sociodemographic and institutional differences associated with the use, or lack...
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Role of mHealth applications for emergency medical system activation in reducing mortality in low-income and middle-income countries
INTRODUCTION: Prehospital care is an essential component in reducing mortality for patients presenting with emergency medical conditions. Prehospital systems tend to be underdeveloped or non-existent in these areas, with less...
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Responses among substance abuse treatment providers to the opioid epidemic in the USA
Objective: To identify the geographic, organisational, and payment correlates of buprenorphine and methadone treatment among substance abuse treatment (SAT) providers. Methods: Secondary analyses of the National Survey of...
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Role of mHealth applications for emergency medical system activation in reducing mortality in low-income and middle-income countries
INTRODUCTION: Prehospital care is an essential component in reducing mortality for patients presenting with emergency medical conditions. Prehospital systems tend to be underdeveloped or non-existent in these areas, with less...
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