
Results: 59
Brief Mating Behavior at Dawn and Dusk and Long Nocturnal Matings in the Butterfly Melanitis leda
Abstract: Information on the mating system of an insect species is necessary to gain insight into sexual selection and population structure. Male territoriality of the common evening brown butterfly Melanitis leda has been...
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Extracting Signal from the Noisy Environment of an Ecosystem
The collection and storage of environmental and ecological data by researchers, government agencies and stewardship groups over the last decade has been remarkable. The proportional challenge to this data accretion lies in...
An RF Approach to Modelling Gallium Nitride Power Devices Using Parasitic Extraction
This paper begins with a comprehensive review into the existing GaN device models. Secondly, it identifies the need for a more accurate GaN switching model. A simple practical process based on radio frequency techniques...
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Protein energy landscape exploration with structure-based models.
Exploring the multi-dimensional energy landscape of a large protein in detail is a computational challenge. Such investigations may include analysis of multiple folding pathways, rate constants for important conformational...
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High-Content Imaging to Phenotype Antimicrobial Effects on Individual Bacteria at Scale.
High-content imaging (HCI) is a technique for screening multiple cells in high resolution to detect subtle morphological and phenotypic variation. The method has been commonly deployed on model eukaryotic cellular systems, often...
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Protein disorder-to-order transition enhances the nucleosome-binding affinity of H1.
Intrinsically disordered proteins are crucial elements of chromatin heterogenous organization. While disorder in the histone tails enables a large variation of inter-nucleosome arrangements, disorder within the chromatin-binding...
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FBXO11 governs macrophage cell death and inflammation in response to bacterial toxins.
Staphylococcus aureus causes severe infections such as pneumonia and sepsis depending on the pore-forming toxin Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). PVL kills and induces inflammation in macrophages and other myeloid cells by...
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