
Results: 77
A Fate Worse Than Warming? Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and Global Catastrophic Risk
Aaron Tang, Luke Kemp
Dec 22, 2021
Injecting particles into atmosphere to reflect sunlight, stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), represents a potential technological solution to the threat of climate change. But could the cure be worse than the disease?...
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Education and Successful Aging Trajectories
As the population ages, interest is increasing in studying aging well. However, more refined means of examining predictors of biopsychosocial conceptualizations of successful aging (SA) are required. Existing evidence of the...
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Demystifying Proofs Through Structured Interaction
The concept of proof is central to every undergraduate mathematics curriculum, but it is also a difficult concept for university students to understand and for university instructors to teach. Prior studies have contributed...
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Effects of Laser Surface Texturing and Lubrication on the Vibrational and Tribological Performance of Sliding Contact
S Liu, Q Sai, S Wang, J Williams
Jan 28, 2022
Various textures are fabricated by a picosecond laser machine on the surfaces of circular stainless steel specimens. Vibrational and tribological effects of laser surface textures are investigated by means of a...
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Ensilication Improves the Thermal Stability of the Tuberculosis Antigen Ag85b and an Sbi-Ag85b Vaccine Conjugate
There is an urgent need for the development of vaccine thermostabilisation methodologies as the maintenance of a continuous and reliable cold chain remains a major hurdle to the global distribution of safe and effective...
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Ensilication Improves the Thermal Stability of the Tuberculosis Antigen Ag85b and an Sbi-Ag85b Vaccine Conjugate
There is an urgent need for the development of vaccine thermostabilisation methodologies as the maintenance of a continuous and reliable cold chain remains a major hurdle to the global distribution of safe and effective...
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An update on engineering issues concerning stratospheric aerosol injection for geoengineering
Abstract: Solar Radiation Management (SRM) geoengineering is a proposed response to anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) is one proposed method, reliant on lofting material into the...
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A transformerless three‐level three‐phase boost PWM inverter for PV applications
Abstract: Multilevel converters have seen rising demands in the past decades, due to their increased power ratings, enhanced power quality, low switching losses and reduced electromagnetic interference. Prominent among them are...
Published by: IET Power Electronics
Post-haemorrhagic hydrocephalus is associated with poorer surgical and neurodevelopmental sequelae than other causes of infant hydrocephalus
Abstract: Purpose: This retrospective cohort study aimed to investigate the surgical and neurodevelopmental outcomes (NDO) of infant hydrocephalus. We also sought to determine whether these outcomes are disproportionately poorer...
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Optimization Techniques in Cooperative and Distributed MAC Protocols
The tremendous increase in wireless network application finds distributed allocation of resources allocation very useful in the network. Packet delivery ratio and delay can be improved by concentrating on payload size, mobility...
Polysaccharide Paint Binding Media at Two Pharaonic Settlements in Nubia
Paints and plasters from two pharaonic settlement sites in Nubia (northern Sudan) were analysed to investigate the presence and origin of organic binding materials. The town of Sai was founded around the time of the...
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