In her June 1984 interview with Michael Cooke, Ellen Mosley detailed her experience working for the James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell Foundation and the problems with informing communities of sickle cell anemia. Mosley...
Mary Ellen Jackson and Jean Graham, both seniors at Winthrop College from Florence, SC, have been selected for Who's Who among students in American universities and colleges for 1946-47. Miss Jackson is an English major, member...
Lowers is a mass communication major from Suffolk, Virginia. She won $25,000 to put toward her college tuition. Winthrop freshman softball outfielder Morgan Lowers had one of her dreams come true when she made an appearance on...
Attitudes about women’s expertise can play a role in limiting their access to influential public spaces, including elected government positions. In the Arab Gulf, women remain underrepresented in electoral politics. This...
The development of multidisciplinary education requires people to communicate, learn, and design beyond the boundaries of their own domains. In this research, an education design framework is developed to facilitate and support...
This paper investigates the many interconnected layers of women's mental health through portraiture and how animal and plant symbolism can represent the way women's hormones and bodily health affect their mental health. I reveal...
Knowledge acquired by end users through their social networks facilitates optimal use of a newly implemented enterprise system. Existing research has conceptualized end users as being the only actors within such networks....
Novice teachers are often discouraged by the problems they encounter in their daily professional practices and they (still) feel unable to cope with. This is also reflected in high drop-out rates in the early stages of teachers'...
Higher education is faced with the question of how large numbers of students can be supported to learn complex skills without increasing teachers' supervision time proportionally and while preserving, or preferably improving...
Biological sex is largely accepted at face value, unquestioned by scientists or the public. It is so ingrained into our culture that it has been used to do everything from cornering the children's toy market to justifying the...
Ode to Loneliness Windy Grief! Death The Icicle Vase To Ellen The Arrival of Night The Reserve Clause The Unspoken War Bull's Eye Closing Scene Brown Bottle Candles Goodbye There's Individuality In The...
Attitudes about women’s expertise can play a role in limiting their access to influential public spaces, including elected government positions. In the Arab Gulf, women remain underrepresented in electoral politics. This...
Seniors receiving the Tillman Awards were Stephanie Sharon Cantrell, Patricia Coimbra and Ellen Gilliam Stewart. The Tillman Award is the university's highest academic honor.
Lights of Venice Portrait Switzerland Drunken Revel Writing Nectarines Shifting Gears Stogie Reflect In the Key of Fuchsia Minor Jarring Sissy Mongols vs. Amish: X-Treme Culture Clash Holding On The...
Properly implemented, e-government enables improved government efficiency and greater engagement with citizens. The State of Qatar has implemented many e-government initiatives but little has been done to investigate their...
With increasing rates of urban expansion, interactions between humans and wildlife become inevitable. These urban environments present novel situations to native species, frequently resulting in their displacement or...
An American K-12 cooperative educational services provider (“The Agency”) has an issue: partner school districts are saving money by building internal capacity for professional development, rather than fully utilizing expertise...
Phylogenetic methods are being increasingly used to help understand the transmission dynamics of measurably evolving viruses, including HIV. Clusters of highly similar sequences are often observed, which appear to follow a...
The Winthrop chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha "may not hold events or conduct activities on-campus, reserve (university) space, or utilize any other university resources" until further notice, according to a suspension letter issued...
Eighteen students from Winthrop College were selected for Who's Who among American Colleges and Universities. The students are as follows: Peggy Johnson, Jean Carson Brown, Mary Jean Hance, Bette Stribling, Jean Crouch, Mary...