The habitat of the intertidal flightless midge Telmatogeton magellanicus (Jacobs, 1900) is described for the first time from the northern coast of Navarino Island, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Additionally, we report the first...
The habitat of the intertidal flightless midge Telmatogeton magellanicus (Jacobs, 1900) is described for the first time from the northern coast of Navarino Island, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Additionally, we report the first...
Junior fine arts major Rebecca Jacobs won second place in the undergraduate category, while art and design student Bridget Kirkland took second place in the graduate division. A total of nine students' work was accepted.
On January 19, 2001, The Rockefeller University presented Infectious Disease Centennial Lecture by William Jacobs Jr., Ph.D. (Howard Hughes Medical Institute).
Numerous studies have shown that social adversity in early life can have long-lasting consequences for social behaviour in adulthood, consequences that may in turn be propagated to future generations. Given these...
Simone de Beauvoir argues in The Second Sex, "The normal sexual act [of intercourse] effectively makes woman dependent on the male and the species. It is he-as for most animals- who has the aggressive role and she who submits to...
BACKGROUND: To plan for cancer services in the future, the long view of cancer prevalence is essential. It might be suspected that cancer prevalence before tobacco and industrial revolution pollutants was quite different to...
Over the course of the past decade, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revolutionised our understanding of complex disease genetics. One of the diseases that has benefitted most from this technology has been Crohn's...
Heckman's ten suffers defeat for first time Ursinus Y groups unite in chapel, vesper services Registrar announces tentative enrollment of 93 men, 91 women Dean Pancoast explains new rules, clarifies his position at mass...
As part of the exhibit, art majors at Winthrop and the University of South Carolina displayed their own work and met with Leibovitz. Art majors English Grant of Rock Hill, S.C., and Rebecca Jacobs of Fort Mill, S.C., were chosen...
Generalised avoidance behaviours are a common diagnostic feature of anxiety-related disorders and a barrier to affecting changes in anxiety during therapy. However, strategies to mitigate generalised avoidance are...
The current paradigm of personalized medicine envisages the use of genomic data to provide predictive information on the health course of an individual with the aim of prevention and individualized care. However, substantial...
During visual perception, the brain enhances the representations of image regions that belong to figures and suppresses those that belong to the background. Natural images contain many regions that initially appear to be part of...
Background Completion of the Foundation Year One (FY1) doctor training is a requirement for full General Medical Council registration in the United Kingdom. Training during this year is mapped to a curriculum with one of the...
OBJECTIVES: Trabecular structure is frequently used to differentiate between highly divergent mechanical environments. Less is known regarding the response of the structural properties to more subtle behavioral differences, as...