
Results: 391
Here Comes Everybody
Brendan Purcell
Mar 16, 2022
Brendan Purcell Brendan embarked on what became a 10-year haul on a PhD in psychology via Leuven and UCD (1980) after completing his BA studies in philosophy at UCD (1963) and an STL in theology at the Lateran University in Rome...
Here Comes Everybody
Brendan Purcell
Mar 16, 2022
Brendan Purcell Brendan embarked on what became a 10-year haul on a PhD in psychology via Leuven and UCD (1980) after completing his BA studies in philosophy at UCD (1963) and an STL in theology at the Lateran University in Rome...
In Gratitude
Brendan Lovett
Mar 16, 2022
Brendan Lovett SSC is an Irish-born member of the missionary Society of St. Columban which was founded in 1918. He has been working in the Republic of the Philippines since 1967, excepting periods spent receiving his Dr. theol....
In Gratitude
Brendan Lovett
Mar 16, 2022
Brendan Lovett SSC is an Irish-born member of the missionary Society of St. Columban which was founded in 1918. He has been working in the Republic of the Philippines since 1967, excepting periods spent receiving his Dr. theol....
Adaptive browsing
Two experiments explored how learners allocate limited time across a set of relevant on-line texts, in order to determine the extent to which time allocation is sensitive to local task demands. The first experiment supported the...
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Adaptive browsing
Two experiments explored how learners allocate limited time across a set of relevant on-line texts, in order to determine the extent to which time allocation is sensitive to local task demands. The first experiment supported the...
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Universal heteroplasmy of human mitochondrial DNA.
Mammalian cells contain thousands of copies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). At birth, these are thought to be identical in most humans. Here, we use long read length ultra-deep resequencing-by-synthesis to interrogate regions of...
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Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Nitroalkenes to Primary Amines
Brendan Phillips
Jan 01, 0001
This work describes synthetic methodology development in organic chemistry. The goal of this work is to demonstrate new ways of making biologically-relevant molecules that are in line with the principles of green chemistry...
Published by: Ursinus College
Nuclease Activity of Zinc DFsc Proteins
Brendan Cherrey
Jan 01, 0001
In nature, enzymes utilize metals to assist with various forms of catalysis. The De Novo Due Ferri Single Chain (DFsc) protein is a computationally designed four bundle helix model protein that mimics the active site of...
Published by: Ursinus College
GHG assessment of Bore Hill Farm Biodigester
This study takes the Bore Hill Farm Biodigester (BHFB) facility as a case study to explore the sources of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with commercial Anaerobic Digestion (AD), and some of the factors affecting...
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Collaborative inhibition and semantic recall
Two experiments investigated the recall of nominal and collaborating groups to test the hypotheses that (a) semantic memory, as well as episodic memory, is disrupted by collaborative recall and (b) both episodic and semantic...
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Giving up problem solving
How do people decide to abandon a problem? Participants were presented with unsolvable water jar problems, having been accurately informed of the prior probability of solvability. Across three experiments, we discovered effects...
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Model-Based Explainable Recommender
Explainable recommendation, which provides an explanation about why a quiz is recommended, helps to improve transparency, persuasiveness, and trustworthiness. However, little research examined the effectiveness of the...
Enacting Care-Ful Engagement in the (Post)Pandemic Care-Less University
There is a strong link between student engagement and successful educational outcomes which is driven by the actions of and interactions with educators. In the context of pandemic pedagogies, many educators have taken on...
A two-stage inter-rater approach for enrichment testing of variants associated with multiple traits.
Shared genetic aetiology may explain the co-occurrence of diseases in individuals more often than expected by chance. On identifying associated variants shared between two traits, one objective is to determine whether such...
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The Dynamic State of Being in Love
To speak of the dynamic state of being in love with God pertains to the stage of meaning when the world of interiority has been made the explicit ground of the worlds of theory and of common sense.
The Dynamic State of Being in Love
To speak of the dynamic state of being in love with God pertains to the stage of meaning when the world of interiority has been made the explicit ground of the worlds of theory and of common sense.








