
Results: 1627
The International Human Epigenome Consortium
The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) coordinates the generation of a catalog of high-resolution reference epigenomes of major primary human cell types. The studies now presented (see the Cell Press IHEC web portal...
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Gene Ontology Consortium
The Gene Ontology (GO; is a community-based bioinformatics resource that supplies information about gene product function using ontologies to represent biological knowledge. Here we describe...
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The Sir Ambrose Shea Lift Bridge
Vince Kerrivan
Apr 09, 2013
The Sir Ambrose Shea Lift Bridge is located in Placentia, a community located on the western side of the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland. The bridge was constructed in 1961 and is at the end of its lifecycle. Construction of a...
Pinellas Bayway Bridge Replacement
Thomas Wadden
Apr 18, 2013
Pinellas County is comprised of various coastal cities located on the west coast of Florida, U.S. With over 50 kilometres of sandy beaches, this area is a popular destination for regional, national and international visitors. As...
The Sir Ambrose Shea Lift Bridge
Vince Kerrivan
Apr 09, 2013
The Sir Ambrose Shea Lift Bridge is located in Placentia, a community located on the western side of the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland. The bridge was constructed in 1961 and is at the end of its lifecycle. Construction of a...
Pinellas Bayway Bridge Replacement
Thomas Wadden
Apr 18, 2013
Pinellas County is comprised of various coastal cities located on the west coast of Florida, U.S. With over 50 kilometres of sandy beaches, this area is a popular destination for regional, national and international visitors. As...
The Bridge
T.J. Peeler
Jan 01, 0001
Rock Hill is expanding. Long term projections for growth in and around the City of Charlotte mean that people will continue to move to the City of Rock Hill. Recently, the Carolina Panthers announced the purchase of 200 acres...
Published by: Winthrop University
The State Route 520 Floating Bridge in Seattle, Washington
Cheryl L White
Apr 09, 2013
The four longest floating bridges in the world are located in Seattle, Washington on the North West Coast of the United States of America. At 2.3 km long and 35 m wide, the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, also known as the...
Ice Loading on the Confederation Bridge
Helena Greene
Apr 09, 2013
Icebergs and ice loading present a number of risks on the design, construction and operation of ocean bridges in harsh environments. In order to design and construct bridges that are structurally stable and safe, it is essential...
Stability Analysis of EPC Consortium Cooperation Based on Evolutionary Game
Consortium contracting is a contracting model that China encourages and advocates. Due to the interest drive, members within the consortium are very prone to negative cooperation and midway withdrawal, which hinders the healthy...
The Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC): Vaccine effectiveness study designs
Typhoid fever is estimated to cause between 11.9-26.9 million infections globally each year with 129,000-216,510 deaths. Access to improved water sources have reduced disease incidence in parts of the world but the use of...
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The State Route 520 Floating Bridge in Seattle, Washington
Cheryl L White
Apr 09, 2013
The four longest floating bridges in the world are located in Seattle, Washington on the North West Coast of the United States of America. At 2.3 km long and 35 m wide, the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, also known as the...
Effects of Ice Loads on the Confederation Bridge
Donald Campbell
Apr 09, 2013
As the longest bridge in Canada and the longest bridge over ice-covered water in the world, the design and construction of the Confederation Bridge presented a unique engineering challenge. There was no precedent for designing...
Ice Loading on the Confederation Bridge
Helena Greene
Apr 09, 2013
Icebergs and ice loading present a number of risks on the design, construction and operation of ocean bridges in harsh environments. In order to design and construct bridges that are structurally stable and safe, it is essential...
Proposing a Library Consortium Model for National Development in Zimbabwe
Collence Chisita
Jul 01, 2021
Globally library cooperation and collaboration is transforming the scholarship landscape as academic libraries battle to survive amidst escalating costs of subscriptions. Zimbabwe is no exception to this phenomenon as evidenced...
Effects of Ice Loads on the Confederation Bridge
Donald Campbell
Apr 09, 2013
As the longest bridge in Canada and the longest bridge over ice-covered water in the world, the design and construction of the Confederation Bridge presented a unique engineering challenge. There was no precedent for designing...
Tracking bridge tilt behaviour using sensor fusion techniques
AbstractThe resilience of the built environment to extreme weather events is fundamental for the day-to-day operation of our transport network, with scour representing one of the biggest threats...
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A data-driven model of brain volume changes in progressive supranuclear palsy.
The most common clinical phenotype of progressive supranuclear palsy is Richardson syndrome, characterized by levodopa unresponsive symmetric parkinsonism, with a vertical supranuclear gaze palsy, early falls and cognitive...
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Intelligent Fault Diagnosis for Bridge via Modal Analysis
Wenjun Zhuang
Apr 01, 2022
Due to natural disasters and man-made reasons, bridges are prone to structural damage during long-term usage, which reduces the associated carrying capacity, increases natural aging, and reduces safety. It is urgent to monitor...








