
Results: 191
What Is Design for Social Sustainability? A Systematic Literature Review for Designers of Product-Service Systems
Social sustainability is concerned with the wellbeing and flourishing of societies now and in the future. Despite its importance, it has been largely overlooked compared with environmental and economic dimensions of...
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Guided self-organization and cortical plate formation in human brain organoids.
Three-dimensional cell culture models have either relied on the self-organizing properties of mammalian cells or used bioengineered constructs to arrange cells in an organ-like configuration. While self-organizing organoids...
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The Foundation of and Future Directions for JEDI @ University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries
This chapter per the authors provides an in-depth overview of how the University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries has leveraged historical connections and special collections to provide a robust foundation for justice, equity...
Revisiting religion
This paper re-assesses the treatment of religion in development studies 30 years after the publication of a special issue of World Development on “Religion and Development”. Given the changes in the social and political context...
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Revisiting religion
This paper re-assesses the treatment of religion in development studies 30 years after the publication of a special issue of World Development on “Religion and Development”. Given the changes in the social and political context...
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Does Addictive Pleasure at Work and Building a Personal IS on One's Smartphone Lead to Problematic Smartphone Dependency?
Using a sample of 848 workers in France, this article aims to explain problematic smartphone dependency, a behavior considered to have negative consequences for sufferers in the context of work. It examines whether and how...
Support Needs Approach for Patients (SNAP) tool
OBJECTIVES:Patient-identified need is key to delivering holistic, supportive, person-centred care, but we lack tools enabling patients to express what they need to manage life with a long-term condition. The Support Needs...
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The impact of chemotherapy-related nausea on patients' nutritional status, psychological distress and quality of life.
PURPOSE: Nausea is a troublesome and distressing symptom for patients receiving chemotherapy. While vomiting is well controlled with current antiemetics, nausea is a more difficult symptom to manage. The aim of this study was to...
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Eukaryotic Cell Permeabilisation to Identify New Putative Chlamydial Type III Secretion System Effectors Secreted within Host Cell Cytoplasm
Chlamydia trachomatis and Waddlia chondrophila are strict intracellular bacteria belonging to the Chlamydiales order. C. trachomatis is the most frequent bacterial cause of genital and ocular infections whereas W. chondrophila...
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Eukaryotic Cell Permeabilisation to Identify New Putative Chlamydial Type III Secretion System Effectors Secreted within Host Cell Cytoplasm.
Chlamydia trachomatis and Waddlia chondrophila are strict intracellular bacteria belonging to the Chlamydiales order. C. trachomatis is the most frequent bacterial cause of genital and ocular infections whereas W. chondrophila...
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Alverno Accelerate
With 50 years of experience in outcome-based, assessment-driven education, Alverno faculty understand the value of student-centered learning as the cornerstone of curriculum design and pedagogical practice. On the scaffold of...
Are within-person Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) ratings of breathlessness 'on average' valid in advanced disease for patients and for patients' informal carers?
INTRODUCTION: The Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) is frequently used to assess patient-reported breathlessness in both a research and clinical context. A subgroup of patients report average breathlessness as worse than their worst...
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